Happy Ice LLC - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This report documents the Risk Management Plan of Happy Ice L.L.C., Fairport New York.  This is to fulfil part 68 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations ( CFR ).  One process was identified as requiring a level 3 RMP.  That process is the ammonia refrigeration system used in ice manufacturing and warehousing.  The existing Process Safety Management System was reviewed and used for the RMP where appropriate. 
It is the policy of Happy Ice to prevent accidental releases of ammonia by insuring that all personnel having access to the system are properly trained and that all equipment is maintained at a level sufficient to prevent an unsafe condition.  Extensive use of recognized professionals familiar with the process is encouraged by management to ensure the integrity of the system is not comprimised.  Impact on the community and opportunity for reduction of ammonia inventory are  part of all "process" decisions. 
Happy Ice is a small company and would not be fully capable of con 
ducting complete response operations. 
Happy Ice should be considered a "Non-Responding Facility" and has an "Emergency Action Plan" in liew of an "Emergency Response Plan".  Fairport Fire Department will continue to be the emergency responder for Happy Ice and would contact the Monroe County Hazmat Team in the event there is an incident involving the potential release of ammonia.  Happy Ice maintenance personnel will be available to assist the Hazmat Team as needed. 
 The refrigeration system used for ice manufacturing and warehousing is the only process using a regulated substance.  The worst case scenario using "RMP COMP" indicated a toxic endpoint of 1.2 miles.  This radius could include 12,000 people.  The release used was the largest vessel containing 8634 lbs of ammonia. For the alternate case scenario, rupture of a 1/2 inch liquid ammonia line, with 100 lbs. of pressure to an icemaker was used.  The release would be inside the building for 15 minutes  while maintenance isolated 
the leak.  This would produce a toxic endpoint of .1 miles using RMP COMP and probably would not affect the public, but one residence does just fall within the .1 miles.  No administrative controls or mitigation measures were used to limit the distances for these examples. 
 There have been no reportable accidents in the last five years.  
The accidental release prevention program consists of regular maintenance by experienced Happy Ice personnel following manufacturers recommendations and  inspections by outside contractors.  Major changes or repairs to the refrigeration system are performed by outside mechanical contractors experienced in ammonia refrigeration systems. 
Changes planned to improve the safety of the refrigeration process are: 
    1.  Contracting with a refrigeration engineer to inspect the facility with the goal of recommending 
         changes that would reduce the ammonia inventory or limit a release in the event of an equipment  
    2.  Re 
placement of the evaporator coils in the ice storage room with a newer system that would 
         require less ammonia inventory and reduced exposed piping.
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