City of Roxboro Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Roxboro's Water Plant main process is the disinfection of drinking water.  The Plant sits on the second highest hill in Person County.  The Plant has not had a reportable leak in the plants recorded history.  The Plant was built in 1954.  The City has implemented its process safety program and has trained its employees.  The employees maintain the emergency equipment and keep it on hand at all times. 
The plant uses gaseous chlorine to disinfect the drinking water.  It is purchased and kept in stock in one ton (2 thousand pound) cylinders.  One cylinder is connected to the system and 3 cylinders are kept as inventory.  The City utilizes Chlorine a leak dect system and this system is examined monthly.  The Plant also keeps in stock back-up regulators to insure duplicity in the system.  The City has notified the local emergency management team of the process and has the procedures in place to notify and protect the communittee.
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