the Standard Products Co. - Rocky Mount - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Facility description:  The STANDARD PRODUCTS Co., Rocky Mount NC division produces rubber parts for the automotive industry.  Two 30,000 gallon propane storage tanks are located on-site.  The LP-Gas is used as an alternative process fuel during the winter months, when the surrounding community needs more natural gas for heating their homes. Both tanks are connected to a converter system which changes the propane into the equivalent of natural gas for use in various curing ovens.  
Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies:  This facility complies with NFPA-58 requirements for LP-Gas storage, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Nashville Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. 
Worst-case scenario:  Our worst-case scenario is the failure of one of the tanks and a resulting vapor cloud explosion (maximum tank capa 
city is 85% of nominal capacity at 60 F).  According to the EPA's RMP Comp program, the distance to the endpoint of 1 psi over-pressure is 0.5 miles.  The majority of this area is un-occupied land such as farmland. 
Accidental release prevention program:  This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The propane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58 and all applicable laws. 
Five-year accident history:  This facility has never had an accident involving propane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or shelterings in place. 
Emergency Response Program:  In the event of an emergency involving our propane system, it is our policy to notify the Nashville Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency.  We have discussed this policy with the fire department.  Members of the local fire have inspected our propane system. 
Planned chan 
ges to improve safety:  No changes are needed at this time. 
To the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information, and belief, formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. 
_________________________________            ________________________________ 
Signature                            Name  
_________________________________            ________________________________ 
Title                                Date 
Results of Consequence Analysis 
Chemical: Propane 
CAS #: 74-98-6 
Category: Flammable Gas 
Scenario: Worst-case 
Liquefied under pressure 
Quantity Released: 220000 pounds 
Release Type: Vapor Cloud Explosion 
Estimated Distance to 1 psi overpressure: .5 miles (.8 kilometers) 
--------Assumptions About This Scenario--------- 
Wind Speed: 1.5 meters/second (3.4 miles/hour) 
Stability Class: F 
Air Temperature: 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) 
the Standard Products Co. 
Rocky Mount, N.C. division 
Worst Case Scenario (b 
oth tanks) 
Propane storage tanks:  2 
Tank capacity (each):  30,000 gallons 
Maximum capacity (each):  85% 
* headspace needed for hot weather * 
Total maximum amount of propane on-site: 51,000 gallons 
Total weight of propane on-site: 216,750 pounds 
Weight of propane:  4.25 lbs/gal
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