East Stroudsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Borough of East Stroudsburg - Wastewater Treatment Plant 
The East Stroudsburg Wastewater Treatment Plant uses chlorination to disinfect the treated wastewater flow prior to discharge to Brodhead Creek.  The chlorination system uses two 1-ton liquified chlorine storage tank to feed the chlorination units. 
As required by the EPA the "Worst Case Release Scenario" was modeled as a catastrophic rupture of one 1-ton cylinder (2000 lbs.).  For the "Alternative Release Scenario" a small tank puncture was chosen yealding a release of 300 lbs. of chlorine over a 10-minute period.  The EPA's RMP*Comp computer model was used to estimate the distance travled by the plume to reach the toxic endpoint for chlorine (0.0087mg/l) .  The RMP*Comp program gives a distance of 2.20 miles for the "Worst Case Release Scenario" and 0.60 miles for the "Alternative Release Scenario". 
No accidental releases of chlorine have occurred at this facility in the past five years. 
The facility has a Emergency Response 
Plan that has been coordinated (reviewed) by the Monroe County LEPC.
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