Waste Water Treatment Plant, West - Executive Summary |
This facility is a 12.0MGD Waste Water Treatment Plant serving Owensboro, Ky. Chlorine is the only chemical meeting reporting requirements. This plant has the capability of storing one 55-ton or 90-ton tank car and 10 1-ton cylinders. This cylinders are manifold five 1-ton cylinders per section. Chlorine is used at this facility for disinfection and control of pathogens, and for odor control. Use will vary from 500 lbs.day during the winter to 2000 lbs/day during the summer. Residual Chlorine in the system is neutralized prior to entry into the receiving stream. The neutralizing chemical is Sodium Hydrogen BiSulfite (NaHSO(3)). SECTION 1 - REGISTRATION INFORMATION - The facility latitude and longitude Section 1.5) was extracted from Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet Division of Water (KNREPC DOW) documents showing this faciliy's actual site discharge point into the receiving stream (Ohio River). Our last inspection recorded in section 1.14 and section 1.1 5 was a Compliance Sampling Inspection (CSI) conducted by KNREPC DOW on January 12, 1999. SECTION 2 - TOXICS: WORST CASE - The EPA RMP Model was used. And, information from the CAMEO program provided by Daviess County DES was used. The information presented in sections 2.4 through 2.12 were projections based on experience with this facility. Refer to Daviess County DES/LEPC tab Q-7-16, 031-12-99 SECTION 3 - TOXICS:ALTERNATE RELEASEE - The EPA RMP Model was used. And, information from the CAMEO program provided by Daviess County DES was used. The information presented in sections 2.4 through 2.12 were projections based on experience with this facility. SECTION 6 - ACCIDENT HISTORY - No reportable accidents have occured within the previous five (5) years. SECTION 7 - PREVENTION PROGRAM 3 - Safety information concerning this facility is reviewed quarterly. Our training program begins each Fiscal Year during July. This training generally encompasses Fire Safety training and Equipment I nspection (October), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Employee Right-to-Know (RTK) training (December), CPR and 1stAid update training (January), Pulmonary Function and SCBA training (February), Hazardous weather refresher training (March), and Chlorine and Ammonia safety training (April). This training is in addition to additional training associated with wastewater treatment as regulated by OSHA and EPA Regulations. For Chlorine handling, refer to this facility's CHLORINE HANDLING PLAN. //Refer to the HAZMAT Emergency Spills and Reporting Plan for HAZMAT Spill Reporting and Response Instructions// SECTION 9 - EMERGENCY RESPONSE - This facility's Emergency Response Plan is designed to notify and become part of a response by the Owensboro Fire Department and Daviess County DES. Chlorine repair kits (Type C forTank Cars, andType B for Ton Cylinders) are stored on site. Also, each facility employee has been issued and trained in the use of a person al full face mask to use with cannisters or SCBA systems which are also stored on site. Refer to this facility's EMERGENCY ACTION & RESPONSE PLAN. |