SAV-ON PLATING, INC. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

      In our best effort to safeguard environment and protect lives and properties, we at SAV-ON PLATING, INC. has created a Risk Management Program that will enable us to be prepared in emergency cases such as fire, earthquake and hazardous material incidents. 
      SAV-ON PLATING, INC. was founded in the city of Paramount in 1969 with handful of employees and few customers.  In a few years in by 1972 the company incorporated and found itself bulging at the seams.  With it's success in the metal industry SAV-ON PLATING prided itself in quality, services and pricing .  The company specializes in barrel plating with automated lines in brass, copper, nickel and zinc. 
      One of the programs included is the company's Emergency Action Plan with the objective of protecting people and property, safeguard the environment and enabling the company to get back into production as soon as possible. An Emergency Action Team is created which is made up of employees who have been trained to   a. 
) assists in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees   b.) provide emergency first aid and CPR  c.) respond to incipient stage fires with portable fire extinguishers and  d.) response to hazardous material incidents. 
      As an immediate respond to a hazardous material incident, accidental release prevention and emergency response policies were developed in order to control the accident beyond the incipient stage.      
                   a.) In the event of a spill, release or threatened release regardless of size, involving a  
                        material, should be reported to the Emergency Coordinator and/r the senior management 
                        personnel present in the facility. 
                   b.) The Emergency coordinator or senior management personnel should determine if the spill, 
                         release, or threatened release can be c 
ontrolled by the employees in the immediate work.   
                         If not, it should be reported to the following emergency response agencies 
                                1.) FIRE / POLICE                                                       911   
                                2.) Department of Health Services                           (213) 744 - 5105  
                                3.) If the evacuation of local areas may be  
                                     advisable,  the State Office Emergency Services  
                                     should be notified                                                1-800-852-7550 
                                4.) Emergency Contractor and Disposal Contractor 
              2.) EMERGENCY ACTION FOR EMPLOYEES                    
                    In the event of a spill or leak of a hazardous material, all employees must do the following. 
                   a.) Get away from the affected area           
                   b.) Identify. (identification can be accomplished by locating the container label) 
                   c.) Report. (report the spill or leak as soon as possible to the Supervisor, Emergency  
                        Coordinator or member of the Emergency Action Team  
              3.) MITIGATION 
                   Coincident with reporting, the employees and/or maintenance personnel in the release area 
                   should immediately commence clean-up and containment of the spill or release and carry out   
                   all necessary action to mitigate the release in accordance with the instructions and emergency 
                   action procedures. 
                               CLEAN-UP PROCEDURE 
                               a.) Identify the hazard.  
                               b.) Prepare plan of action 
                               c.) Use correct personal protective equipment.                       
d.) Look for injuries 
                               e.) Shut off the source. ( Immediately shut off the source of the spill or upright the    
                                    material.  Act quickly to minimize the spill.)  
                               f.) Eliminate the flame.  (Extinguish any source of spark or flame in the area.)  
                               g.) Evacuate the area.  (Evacuate all non essential personnel from the area.)  
                               h.) Ventilate area.  (Ventilate the area if the spill or leak is in an enclosed area.)  
                                i.) Contain the spill. 
                                          1.) Prevent the material from spreading or entering into sewer or waterway. 
                                          2.) Containment will be accomplished by damming, diking or blocking the flow of   
                                               the material.  
                                          3.) All emergency r 
esponse equipment and material will be kept in the   
                                               Emergency Spill Response Drum. 
                                 j.) Clean up the spill. 
                                          1.) Pick up free liquid for disposal. 
                                          2.) Absorb remaining material using an inert absorbent material. 
                                          3.) Clean up spent absorbent and place in a Hazardous Material Disposal Drum. 
                                k.) Decontaminate. 
                                          1.) Surround the spill area with fresh absorbent.  
                                          2.) Wash surface until the hazardous residue has been eliminated. 
                                          3.) Dispose of absorbents and clean up materials by putting them in a Hazardous 
                                               Material Disposal Drum. 
                                 l.) Disposal.    
                                           1.) After decontamination, all disposable material must be packaged and labeled 
                                                in accordance with proper hazardous waste disposal procedures. 
                                           2.) These materials include spent absorbents, rags, tools, clothing and other  
                                                disposable materials. 
                                m.) Restore emergency response equipment. 
                                           1.) Clean and replace all safety and spill response equipment.  Reorder required 
              4.) EVACUATION      
                   a.) Should it become necessary to evacuate the facility, the order should be given                  
                         via the Employee Alarm System. 
                   b.)  Upon receiving the order to evacuate, employees must s 
hut down their machine and  
                          immediately proceed to the nearest exit. 
                   c.) All employees will report to their supervisors at the evacuation staging areas.  Attendance  
                         will be taken by supervisors to account for all personnel. 
                   d.) The Emergency Action Team should check all restrooms and/or any isolated work areas to   
                        assure that all employees have been evacuated safely. 
             5.) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE               
                  All employees affected by exposure to the hazardous materials should be given first aid  
                  treatment by the Emergency Action Team until the Emergency Response Agent arrives. 
                   The members of the Emergency Action Team will stand by to assist the Emergency Response   
                   Agency and offer the benefit of their special knowledge of facilit 
y and it's contents. 
     Hazardous material incident is a very serious matter and it should not be taken lightly.  Training and study of mitigation or control procedures  are being taken at our end in order to  improve the safety of not only of our facility, but we make it our priority to ensure employees are safe and the people within our  
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