ACCU-RATE SERVICES INC. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Accu-rate  is dedicated to the prevention of accidental release of anhydrous ammonia. Our employees and management have made tremendous efforts to achieve the outstanding safety record we have. In addition, it is our intention to continue to stay on the cutting edge of safety not only for our employees but also for the communities we serve. 
The primary activity at our anhydrous bulk location is the transfer of anhydrous ammonia from semi trailors into our storage tank. We then transfer anhydrous from the storage tank to nurse tanks that are used by our farmer customers. The maximum quantity stored at our facility is 30,000 gallons which represent 131,000 pounds of anhydrous. 
The worst case scenerio would be 131,000 pounds released in 10 minutes from our storage plant. The distance to the endpoint is 2.41 miles according to the modleling we used. The aternative release scenerio we used would be a hose rupture causing a spill of 11,908 pounds of anhydrous ammonia. The distance to endpo 
int according to the model is .83 miles. 
Our firm is heavily regulated by OSHA, EPA, DOT  and the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Each one of these agencies has specific regulations for anhydrous ammonia and we must work within the rules the set fourth. Our firm has an emergency response plan which assist us in planning for accidental releases. We also have contracts with emergency service organizations to assist us in the event of a spill. 
We have trained our employees on the proper handling of the product has well has the maintenance procedures neccessary to provide a safe work environment. This helps explain how we have achieved the excellent accident free history. In the past five years we have not had any accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia on site or off site. None of our employees have recieved injuries from handling this product has well.  
Our goal is to provide effective sevice to our customers in the safest way possible . We tell our employees to be careful but it g 
oes beyond that. We have made an investment in safety and will continue to do so because it benifits all of us.
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