Superior Fertilizer Company Inc. - Executive Summary |
Superior Fertilizer is a small independently owned company in Northeast Colorado that has been in business serving our area Farmers & Ranchers for the past 25 years. Superior has a wide range of products and services that we offer our Agriculture customers. We have Agriculture Fertilizers, Traces, Ag chemicals and Anhydrous Ammonia. We offer custom spreading and spraying. We carry livestock feed and minerals for the area Ranchers and complete feed to help out the 4-H kids with their livestock projects. Superior has 7 full time employees with over 100 years combined experience in the Agriculture industry. With an emphasis on Safety and Environment we have seen a large increase in our laws and regulations. Superior has always believed that Safety is our NUMBER ONE issue with our employees and our community. Being located in a small area customers are more than customers, but our neighbors and friends, so our main concern is to conduct business in the safest and most efficient manner possible. The most recent regulation that we will address is the Risk Management Program Rule-40CFR Part 68 Section 112 (r) of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Superior handles Anhydrous Ammonia which is one of the Chemicals listed on the "RMP" Chemical list. Anhydrous Ammonia is injected into the soil for an effective, economical way to provide crops with nitrogen. In a closed vessel at normal temperatures Anhydrous Ammonia is a colorless liquid which creates a gas as it compensates for the displacement of liquid with a pressure of 100 psi and 200 psi depending on temperature. Superior stores Anhydrous Ammonia in a liquid cylinder tank. The tank has a light reflective coating of paint. The liquid valves are labeled and painted red. The vapor valves are labeled and painted yellow. After the new paint job in 1997 four new relief valves were installed. The tank has the words "An hydrous Ammonia" on both sides of the tank in lettering 4 inches high. Also on the sides of the tank are "Inhalation Hazard" in 2 inch lettering. All of our valves are fenced off and are also locked up at all times, unless it is in use. Also we have hung signs on the fence that say "Keep Out, Authorized Personnel Only" and "Dangerous, Eye Protection Must Be Worn In The Area". Our Safety relief valve is covered at all times to protect it from the elements. Training and education is an on going process at Superior. Our employees are trained on the specific elements of required safety and health programs. Employees know the elements of may programs. Two of these programs are "Hazard Communication" and "Personal Protective Equipment". Before handling Anhydrous Ammonia our employees are involved in training. Then once a year employees are given refreshner courses by using videos, discussion sessions, hands-on practice with equipment, demonstrations, speakers, either in hou se or guest and brainstorming sessions. The most important training for our employee's is Personal Protective Equipment. Employees are required to wear long-sleeve shirts and long pants. Gloves and chemical splash goggles with sponge rubber which restricts the flow of ammonia vapor but allows minimal venting to prevent fogging. We ask that no contact lenses are worn while working with Anhydrous Ammonia. A pint sized squeeze bottle full of water is worn in the employees shirt pocket while working with Anhydrous. We also have at the Facility a water tank full of fresh water, and also a shower. Our employees know the importance of having water close at hand while working around Anhydrous Ammonia due to the burning effect that it has when it comes in contact with human flesh. This is caused because Anhydrous Ammonia is an alkali. Anhydrous Ammonia burns keep spreading until the ammonia is diluted. This is why water is so important in first aid treatment, if by accident Anhydr ous Ammonia makes contact with the skin the injured area should be flushed or irrigated with as much water as possible for at least 15 minutes. Also kept at our facility is a full face mask equipped with Anhydrous Ammonia canisters, protective gloves, boots and a protective slicker. Our employees all have mobile phones and also we have a phone in the building next to the Anhydrous Ammonia Bulk tank that works as an inter-com so the office can be contacted. Our employees are aware that hoses are the weakest link in the ammonia system. Superior has several safety checks with hoses that are carefully followed. First of all Superior only uses hose and hose couplings designed for ammonia service. Anhydrous Ammonia hoses are marked at 5-foot intervals with the following information: "Anhydrous Ammonia", the maximum working pressure, the manufacturer's name, and the year of manufacture and also the date the hose should be replaced. The hoses are designed for a working pressure of at least 350 psi (pounds per square inch). Our employees are instructed that at any sign of weakening, weathering, checking, soft spots, cuts, gouges or any other signs of deterioration, they must be replaced immediately. Our hoses are draped or wrapped around a suitable hang-up rack. During the winter months are equipment is stored in a cool, dry place. Our Bulk Storage tank has a gauge on the end of the tank to let our employees know the amount of liquid that is in the tank. Our maximum percentage of fill on the tank is decided by the temperature. Inside the Bulk Tank we have excess flow shut off valves that will shut, if the flow of liquid from valves becomes to rapid, caused by a hose or hose valve failure. Superior has a daily maintence sheet that is filled our for the Bulk Storage and turned in daily and kept at the office after it is filled out. The check list includes the following: TANK AREA; valves, fill gauge, vapor bleed, hydrostatic valves. VALVES AND HO SES; liquid fill valve, liquid outlet valve, transfer hoses, transfer hose valves, vapor release. PERSONAL PROTECTION; water tank, shower, liquid proof outer wear, goggles/face shield, rubber boots, rubber gloves, telephone and respirator. The Colorado Department of Agriculture "Division of Inspection and Consumer Services" comes to our facility at least once a year and inspects our Bulk Tank. The inspector checks the following: 1. Storage tank free of leaks. 2. Bulk tank supports in good condition (no cracked or crumbled concrete). 3. Tank is painted white or light reflective paint and paint coating is in good condition. 4. All valves and fittings are secure, free from leaks and in good condition. 5. Protective guards are in place and in good condition. 6. Safety relief valves are free of debris with rain caps installed. 7. All gauges - pressure and liquid level operative. 8. Plant piping is the proper type. 9. All pipe joints free of leaks. 10. All piping is properly supported and guards in place where necessary. 11. All pipes free of physical damage and rust and properly painted. 12. All hoses (vapor-liquid) of ammonia type and free of damage or deterioration. 13. Hoses suitably racked to prevent kinking. 14. Hoses properly stored out of weather and sunlight in off-season. 15. Yard free of weeds, trash and other unsafe conditions. 16. Unused equipment stored out of the way. 17. Facility protected against tampering. 18. A minimum of 50 gal clean, fresh water or an emergency shower available. 19. At least 2 sides of the storage tank has works "Anhydrous Ammonia in 4" letters. 20. The bulk plant facility is equipped with the following emergency rescue and safety equipment. A. One pair of protective gloves B. One pair of protective bo ots C. One full face mask with Anhydrous cartridges. D. One protective slicker and or protective pants and jacket. E. Easily accessible shower and or at least 50 Gal of clean water in an open top container F. Tight fitting goggles or a full face shield 21. Vapor valves properly painted or labled. A. Vapor valves painted yellow B. Liquid Valves painted red The Town of Crook has had an active Fire Protection District since 1950. Superior is lucky to have two of our own employees on the local volunteer Fire Department for the past 10 years. Many of our Volunteer Fireman are also our customers and have been to our facility many times and are very familiar with the products that we handle and know where our products are located. Our Fire Department is located only one block away from our Anhydrous Ammonia Bulk Plant. Superior Fertilizer Company has an "Emergency Action Plan", we have a copy of the plan at our office and also a plan has been distributed to: Crook Fire Department, Crook, CO 80726 and Harold Getz Logan County LEPC, PO Box 1107, Sterling, CO 80751. In our Emergency Action Plan "EAP" we address many emergencies but the one Emergency we will address right now will be the Anhydrous Ammonia Bulk Plant. The first page of our "EAP" has all of our Emergency Phone Numbers: The Crook Fire Department, Medical, Poison Control Center, Logan County Sheriff, Superior Fertilizer Personal, Logan County LEPC, Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment, and the National Response Center phone numbers. On the same page are directions to tell the dispatcher in case of an emergency our exact location, phone number, type of emergency and general location, extent of emergency, in control/out of control, any explosions, area evacuation may/will not be needed, any injuries, how many people, how badly, conscious or unconscious, not breathing, bleeding, delirious , trapped or other complication, any known special needs, equipment, respirators, oxygen, litters, etc. Under the injury/first aid section of our "EAP" we have a special section on Anhydrous Ammonia. First Aid: EYES: Use copious amounts of water to flush eyes for at least 15 minutes. Alternately pull upper then lower lids open. Get contacts OUT - anhydrous ammonia WILL get under contacts. SKIN: Flush area at least 15 minutes with water. Do not apply salves or ointments of an oil base. Remove contaminated clothing after it has thawed. Do not use neutralizing solutions or ointments on the affected area. INHALATION: If vapors are breathed, move the victim to a safe area. If breathing is stopped, give CPR. Do not use Pulmotor. INGESTION: Have victim drink large amounts of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention in any case, even if victim has recovered. Tell doctor the nature of the exposure. Under the Chemical List/Maps section we have a "Hazardous Chemical Inventory Report" which list total gallons that we have at our Bulk Storage. We have the "Right to Know Notification For Section 302". Which lists our Name, Address, and phone number. On the "Section 311" inventory list Anhydrous Ammonia is listed with the Chemical Abstract Service # (Cas No.) which for Anhydrous Ammonia is 007664-41-7. Our components of mixture is Ammonia and the Hazard Category for Anhydrous Ammonia reads as follows: Sudden Pressure Release, Immediate Acute and Delayed chronic. Every year by March 1st Superior Fertilizer files their TIerII forms which list Anhydrous Ammonia, its CAS# the Physical and Health Hazards our maximum quantity on hand and how many days on site the Anhydrous Ammonia is at our location, and the way Anhydrou s Ammonia is stored. Also attached to the TierII form is a site map showing the exact location of our Bulk Facility and where Emergency Personal Protection Equipment is stored. We send a copy of our TierII forms by certified mail to Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, the Crook Fire Department and the Logan County Local Emergency Planning Commission. Under Spills and Releases we have a section for Anhydrous Ammonia which reads as follows: 1. Remain calm, assess the situation, and use extreme caution. 2. Sound the alarm or call the Emergency Coordinator. 3. Stay upwind at all times. 4. If available, use a water fog or spray aimed at the ammonia cloud to reduce vapor. Do not put water directly on a liquid leak or liquid pool; only on the vapors. 5. Approaching from upwind, stop the leak or shut off valves, if you can do so safely. WEAR A SUITABLE RESPIRATOR AND FULL PROTECTIVE C LOTHING. 6. Isolate the hazard area, and deny entry to everyone except trained responders wearing protective gear. Detour motorists from the hazard area and downwind areas. SMALL LEAKS: isolate to 150 feet. If entering isolated area, protect from body contact with the cloud or liquid. Use a gas mask with NH-3 canisters. LARGE SPILLS: Isolate to 150 feet. Then evacuate 3.4 mile radius. Dike to contain runoff of liquid ammonia or solution from applied water. To enter the isolated area, use only self-contained, positive-pressure breathing apparatus and full protective clothes. 7. Report the release to the proper authorities. Spilled anhydrous ammonia is impossible to retrieve or to keep from excaping the remises, so any release over 100 pounds must be reported. NOTES: Th e concentration of ammonia vapor in the air can be reduced by adequate volumes of water applied through spray or fog nozzles; the ammonia combines readily with the water. In a large vapor release from container, do not spray the tank with water; instead, apply a water fog or spray to the vapor. Superior Fertilizer holds annual rehearsals of our Empergency Action Plan to keep employees up on changes in facility policies and procedures, changes in personnel, changes in the facility's physical layout, changes in materials and substances present which could precipitate an emergency situation. Superior Fertilizer tries hard to comply with all the State and Federal Regulations and also to be a good neighbor in our small community. We received a letter from the Crook Fire Protection District that reads as follows: Superior Fertilizer Company Inc. Crook, CO 80726 The Board of Directors o f the Crook Fire Protection District and the Crook Volunteer Firemen wish to thank you for your support of the firemen and their activities. We think it is very generous of you to allow your employees to take time from their jobs to go fight fires or to haul water to the scene with your equipment. We do know that we feel that your unselfishness is very much appreciated by the District, the Volunteer Firemen and the community. Thank you so much! Sincerely yours, Howard F. Hamilton Jr. Secretary/Treasurer Crook Fire Protection District With the cooperation of Superior Fertilizers management, employees and the support of our community, Superior Fertilizer will try to elimate any possible danger or hazard by training, notification, experience and good old common sense. As our technology continues to improve and change daily so will be the oppor tunity to increase our efficiency and safety to our employees, community and environment. Certification Letter Certification Statement for Program Level 2 & 3 Processes To the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. _________________________________ _________________________ Signature Print Name _________________________________ _____________ Title Date |