Ripon Foods, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Ripon Foods, Inc. is committed to chemical safety. The company has procedures in place to ensure proper use and handling of the propane used in the facility.  Only trained operators from the maintenance department start the system when propane is used as a fuel both for building heat and process heat. Senior management at Ripon Foods, Inc. is committed to safety, as evidenced by the longstanding safety committee, and the emphasis placed on having procedures in compliance with safety regulations and good manufacturing practices. 
Ripon Foods, Inc. is a cookie manufacturer. Natural gas is the primary fuel source for both building heat and process heat. However, the company is on interruptible service from Alliant Energy, and has to convert to propane in extended periods of extremely cold weather when natural gas is in high demand. Propane is the regulated substance on the premises. There are two propane tanks located on the eastern edge of the employee parking lot. Each tank holds approx 
imately 100,000 pounds of propane.  
The worst case release scenario that Ripon Foods, Inc. analyzed was a vapor cloud explosion. This would include a total of 204,000 pounds of propane from the two storage tanks. This vapor cloud would have an offsite impact. Within the distance to the endpoint, 0.50 miles, there are schools, residences, recreation areas, and major commercial, office, and industrial areas. The estimated population within this zone is 2500. This information was determined by using the Risk Management Program Guidance for Propane Storage facilities and information from the city's emergency management coordinator. The chances of a release of this type are extremely remote. The company has procedures in place to regularly inspect the entire propane process for leaks and malfunctions. There is limited access, by key only, to all areas of the propane process. 
The alternative case release scenario investigated was that of the process pipes breaking. If this was to happen, a 
nd all of the propane in one tank was to leak out, there would be a distance to the endpoint of 0.40 miles. Located within this endpoint are schools, residences, and major commercial, office, and industrial areas. This scenario was selected as, although chances of it occurring are extremely remote, it is the most likely accident to occur at the facility. There is the potential for joints to give out or welds to let loose, resulting in a leak. However, the company has a regularly scheduled inspection plan in place in which the pipes, fittings, tanks, etc. are checked to detect any leaks, or any weak spots which may result in a leak. 
The major portion of the prevention program is the maintenance inspection of the propane system, which is conducted every thirty days. Valves, pipes, tanks, and pressurization are checked to ensure that the entire system is functioning properly. If a problem were discovered, it would be corrected immediately to ensure a safe environment for everybody. 
company has not experienced any accidental releases from the propane system. 
Ripon Foods, Inc. has developed an emergency response plan with the Fond du Lac County Emergency Management Office. This plan will let the Ripon Volunteer Fire department know the location and type of the chemicals on the premises. It also makes known the company's wishes on such matters as release of information to the public and the press. 
Ripon Foods, Inc. is committed to continuous improvement, and the company will initiate changes to its procedures as it sees fit. The 24-hour telephone number included is the facilities after hours number. The company is in the process of getting a new 24-hour emergency number, and, when it is available, the RMP will be updated with the new 24-hour telephone number. 
Issued:  June 21, 1999
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