M & L Cold Storage - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

M & L Cold Storage located at 33164 Pond Road delano,CA 93215 is leased and operated by Pandol and Sons Inc. for use in the cooling of fruits and vegetables. There is approx. 110,000 sq. ft. of refrigerated storage space. Ammonia is the refrigerant used in the cooling process. The primary activities are the receiving, precooling, storage and shipping of table grapes. The first phase of this facility was built in 1997 and the second and final phase was built in 1998. 
All employees working in areas where ammonia is used will receive a "General Awareness" training program upon employment and at least annually there after. This "General Awareness" program will include characteristics of ammonia, evacustion routes and procedures, and familiarization with the M & L Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Responders. 
The general philosophy of M & L is not to expose any employess to hazardous levels of hazardous materials in any emergency response activities. As outlined in this policy, all em 
ployees will be trained to evacuate areas of possible exposure. 
M & L Cold Storage was designed to minimize the risk of an accidental release by keeping the ammonia system piping out of everyday work areas. It also has state of the art computer control system custom designed for M & L with all of the necessary alarms and auto shut offs. All safety relief valves are piped into ammonia absorption tanks. 
M & L is proud that it has had no accidental releases in its short existance and because of its design and the safety, training and inspection programs in place we expect to continue to have no accidental releases in the years to come. 
The Worst Case Scenario at M & L would be tha total loss of the ammonia receiver, In a 10 minute period there would be a release of 104,000 lbs. of ammonia. The toxic endpoint determined by consequence analysis would be 5.6 miles. We have compiled a list of all private, public and commercial receptacles in the area complete with phone numbers and address 
es. The likelyhood of M & L Cold Storage having a worst case release is extremely small due to the facility design and to the training, safety and inspection programs that are in place. In the event of an accidental release we have the plans in place that will minimize the effects to the surrounding life and environment.
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