Supervalu Denver Distribution - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

SUPERVALU Denver Distribution Center is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for its employees and visitors. 
It is important to establish emergency action plans to protect life and property.  Experience shows that actions taken during an emergency are seldom effective unless planned in advance.  For example, a fire or other emergency could require the rapid evacuation of large numbers of employees from the facility. Plans to accomplish evacuation quickly, efficiently and safely plans are developed and provided to all employees. 
The Emergency Response Program of the Denver Distribution Center has been developed and coordinated Aurora Fire Department Haz-Mat Team.  The employees receive PSM training in orientation and refresher held annually.  The Distribution Center conducts a minimum of one evacuation drill annually 
Any release that registers 200ppm will result in immediate notification to 911. The facility 
maintains a "Telephone Tree" which is used to notify the community in the event of an emergency.  
The Aurora Fire Department (AFD) responds in case of an emergency provides advance Medical Life Support.  Practically all managers, superintendents, and supervisors are trained in basic first aid and CPR and can provide assistance to AFD when needed. 
The anhydrous ammonia refrigeration system design in operation at this facility, remains state-of-the-art to this day.  The system operates at approximately 50 percent of capacity reducing the amount of pressure and anhydrous ammonia in the system at any given time.  All piping for the conveyance of anhydrous ammonia and refrigeration units is at ceiling level, approximately 20 feet above maximum forklift height.   
Ammonia detectors throughout the facility provide an instantaneous alert should an ammonia leak occur in an isolated part of the facility.  Modifications to the system occur when innovations in refrigeration come on the market.  
A Y2K compliant computer system performs monitoring and control of the entire refrigeration system.  Human monitoring of the computer system occurs routinely throughout the business day, 363 days a year. 
The emergency response system is multi-tiered system involving the system operators, all other employees at the facility as well as the Aurora Fire Department Haz-Mat Team.  As far as emergency polices are concerned, those employees who are required to operate the system receive constant training to hone their skills while all other employees at the facility receive initial and annual training on emergency evacuation procedures.   
Wholesale grocery distribution is the sole function of this facility.  The only regulated substance in use at this facility is anhydrous ammonia.  Anhydrous ammonia provides refrigeration for fruit, vegetables, meat, and diary products.  The refrigeration system contains approximately 22,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia. 
ite is the complete and instantaneous release of 3,200 pounds of anhydrous ammonia if the high-pressure receiver were to rupture.  Based on the RMP*Comp v 1.06 this worst case scenario would result in a 0.8 mile toxic end-point release.  Since this site is sparsely populated, the release would effect approximately 1000 people. 
ALTERNATIVE RELEASE SCENARIO for this site would be the failure of a high-pressure valve, which would result in approximately 1650 pounds released over a 10-minute period.  Using the RMP-Comp method of release, we could expect an end-point of approximately .2 miles, which is well within the confines of the site property 
The Denver Distribution Center falls under OSHA's PSM rule.  The Denver Distribution Center's goal is the prevention of catastrophic releases and minimizing the consequences of such release.  Employee involvement, education, and training occurs on a regular basis to maintain employee The essential points of the prevention plan of this site inclu 
* Continuos improvement of the system based on innovation in the refrigeration industry 
* Continuos maintenance training of system operators  
* The simplicity of pushing one button enabling system shut down in case of an emergency.   
* Involvement of the Aurora Fire Department in how this site operates as well as system shut down in case of an emergency 
The anhydrous ammonia system on this site has not had one reportable accidental release since going online almost 17 years ago.   
The SACHS Program, a two-volume set provides detailed information of the emergency response program as detailed on the first two pages of this summary.  Supervalu is a member of the Local Emergency Planning Committee and attends meetings.  Supervalu also works with the Aurora Fire Department to access and train with our response team in emergency shut down of the system.  Supervalu is working with the Aurora Fire Department in scheduling practice drills with their haz-mat team. 
Supervalu revi 
ews the SACHS Program on at least an annual basis.  When changes to the SACHS Program occur, the information changing is communicated to all employees within the facility through training.  
The SUPERVALU Denver Distribution facility went on line in August 1982.  The heart of this facility's Accidental Release Prevention Program is based on the Supervalu Ammonia Hazard Control System, SAHACS, an ever-evolving system that provides continuos improvement in system design and emergency response policies.  The following outline presents the SACHS Program. 
A. Maintenance Employees (Systems Operators) 
1.    System Design 
a. P&ID's ( consult with home office) 
b. Process Flow Diagrams 
c. Ammonia Data (MSDS) 
d. Pressure Relief System 
e. Ventilation System 
f. Safety Devices 
   2.    Hazard Analysis  
a. Ramification(s) of Process Deviations 
b. Special Hazards 
3. Preventative Maintenance Procedures and Practices 
4. Emergency Action Plan 
5. Operating Procedures 
6. Initial Training  
7. Annual Re-training  
B. Non-Maintenance Employees (All other employed at this site) 
1. SAHCS Overview 
2. Risks 
3. Emergency Action Plan 
4. Initial Training  
5. Annual Re-training (per Haz-Com  requirements) 
A. Written Plans - Normal Operation 
B. Written Plans - Special Operation 
C. Safe Work Practices 
D. Annual Review of Procedures 
A. Written Plans - Administrative Controls and Work Practices 
B. Written Plans - Inspections, Testing, Physical Controls / Sensors, Alarms, Relief Valves, etc. 
C. Documentation of Administrative and Physical Controls 
A. Contractor Review/Evaluation (safety programs in  place) 
B. Communicate site specific Emergency Action Plan 
C. Contract agreement includes Safe Work Practices and requirement for employee training documentation  
D. Work place review of contractor/ owner 
E. Documentation of any injury occurring on property to SUPERVALU 
F. Signed Compliance Agreement 
A. Hot Work Permit 
B. Emergency Response 
C. Lockout/Tagout 
D. Respiratory Protection 
E. Confined Space 
F. Incident Investigation 
G. HAZWOPER (Optional) 
The facility has an emergency evacuation team that is responsible for the operation of the evacuation plan during rehearsals and during actual emergencies. 
The team will be comprised of persons in the following positions: 
               Distribution Director 
               Warehouse Manager 
               Human Resources Manager 
               Transportation Manger 
               Facilities Manager 
               Fleet Maintenance Manager 
               Perishable Superintendent 
Grocery Superintendent 
The Risk Control Manager or his/her designee will be responsible for directing the team. 
Such team members will be issued a copy of the Emergency Preparedness Plan and will be trained in all phases of the plan including use of available communications, crowd control, and emergency illuminatio 
n.  One half of the team shall be First Aid and CPR Certified. 
The team will give priority to those areas directly involved and adjacent to in an emergency.  The most important aspect is to determine the nature of the alarm and seek additional outside resources necessary to handle the situation.  Movement to the exits will be controlled; personnel will not be allowed to run or act in any way to create a panic. 
Facility supervision will hold a roll call in the parking lot.  Any missing person believed to be still in the facility must be reported to the designated person in charge.  Under circumstances will any employee be allowed to reenter the facility without direct permission of the Aurora Fire Department. 
All employees will position themselves in such a way as to keep clear of emergency vehicles. 
Once the need to evacuate the facility for any reason, the facility shall be evacuated.  Evacuation shall remain the sole responsibility of  
SUPERVALU Management or Public Safety officials. 
If there is a need to evacuate for any reason, Security must be notified immediately at 3333.  Delays in evacuation notification results in time loss and can lead to the situation going completely out of control 
Practice evacuations will be held annually.  Before each practice, the Risk Control Manager will publish a memorandum specifying the following: 
* Sequence of events 
* Special instructions for security, maintenance and other affected personnel 
* Notification of Aurora Fire Department 
* Method of notification of termination of the practice 
* Announcement of the time and location of the critique following the practice; the agenda should include evaluation of the effectiveness of the alarm systems, effectiveness of the Emergency Preparedness Plan, actions of the Emergency Evacuation Team, and action of the evacuated personnel 
The primary assembly ar 
ea for the evacuees will be the Southwest corner of the parking lot.  Do not congregate within 50 feet of the buildings.  The secondary area (should the primary area not be available) is the administration building employee parking lot.  Depending on the reason for the evacuation, the placement of the evacuation may be dependent on wind direction and weather conditions.  No one may re-enter the facility with Aurora Fire Department Approval. 
In case of an evacuation, employees should do the following: 
* Proceed to the nearest emergency exit.  Every employee should remain cognizant of there location and know where at least two (2) exits are located   
* If smoke has filled the area, remain as low to the floor as possible 
* Congregate as described as above 
* Remain clear of approaching emergency vehicles 
* Check in with your supervisor when you get to the evacuation area 
Warehouse employees may use the Tornado Tunnel to exit if necessary. 
Senior managers will make provisions for the evacuation of any disabled person who needs assistance within their department. 
Aisles leading to emergency exits ( those discharging to the outside) must be wide as the emergency exits they serve.  They must be kept free of obstructions and permit both evacuation of personnel and movement of emergency equipment.  Aisles may not be used for temporary storage of materials or work in progress. 
The City of Aurora requires exits to meet the following criteria: 
* Emergency exits will be properly identified 
* Each door location sign will be properly illuminated 
* Exit doors my not be blocked inside or outside at any time 
* Exit doors will open easily and swing outward 
* Exit doors will be self-closing 
* Exit doors will remain closed when not in use 
* Exit doors will not be blocked open 
* Confusing non-exits will be clearly marked for what they are 
Emergency lighting to ensure safe and quick evacuati 
on has been install throughout the facility.  Lighting will be tested at least quarterly. 
The following requirements must be met. 
* Stairwells will remain clear of obstruction at all times 
* Stairwells will be equipped with proper handrails 
* Proper illumination will be provided in the stairwells 
Stair tread and risers will be properly maintained. 
The purpose of the "Telephone Tree" is to set up a systematic method of contacting division and home office personnel, emergency and health personnel, etc., as needed.  The Director of Distribution or his/her designated alternate initially puts the tree into effect.  If neither is available, Risk Control or Human Resources personnel will assume the responsibility. 
   Don Thrush        Director        (303) 805-5120        (303)  
                           Home            Pager 
Larry Cable        Transportation        (303) 647-1184        (303) 687-3276 
Bob Pera        Perishable        (303 
) 344-3300        (303) 613-7242 
Ken Morris        Grocery            (303) 840-9065        (303) 613-7241 
Steve Thompson    Human Resources    (303) 695-9201        (303) 613-7249 
Joel Talbot        Risk Control        (303) 252-9484        (303) 609-5316 
Greg Giauque        Warehouse        (303) 795-5525        (303) 613-7240 
Jim Robinson        Fleet Maintenance    (303) 427-7898            N/A     
Jim Roberts        Facilities Maintenance    (303) 369-5098        (303) 613-7250 
Security                    (303) 361-0213        (303) 613-7239 
In-House                    3333 
Aurora Fire Dept.    Emergency        911 
Non-Emergency    (303) 341-7552 
Chief            (303) 739-7110 
Aurora Police Dept.    Emergency        911 
           Non-Emergency    (303) 739-6402 
           Chief            (303) 739-6017 
Sheriff's Office        Emergency        911 
Non-Emergency    (303) 287-1535 
HealthOne Medical Center  
   Emergency                (303) 695-2628     
Non-Emergency            (303) 6952600 
Aviation & Occupational Medicine        (303) 333-4411     
Public Service                    (303) 623-1234 
Utility Eng 
ineering                (303) 739-7376 
Water Pressure Problems            (303) 739-7388 
Water Breaks                    (303) 739-7527 
Governor                    (303) 866-2471 
Chief of Staff                    (303) 866-2471 
Attorney General                (303) 866-5189 
Mayor of Aurora                    (303) 739-7015 
Asst. City Manager                (303) 739-7010 
Pioneer Fire Protection                (970) 227-1521 
Federal Bureau of Investigation            (303) 629-7171 
Kemper Insurance Workers' Comp        (303) 752-5429 
Metro Taxi Company                (303) 333-3333  
Poison Control                    (303) 629-1123 
Snow Removal                    (303) 452-1392 
Colleen Nelson                    (612) 315-4964 
Colleen Foley                    (612) 887-5167 
Bobbi Pearson                    (612) 559-4396 
Barb Farrell                    (612) 934-4311 
Jim Koskan                    (612) 432-4006 
Roger Larson                    (612) 550-0679 
Steve Love                    (612) 683-9586 
The following procedures will enable the individual who receives a bomb threat via teleph 
one to handle the situation in a calm and efficient manner. 
I    Telephone Procedures 
   A.    The majority of threats received are via telephone calls.  Most will be hoaxes perpetrated by someone intent upon disrupting our operations.  Historically, most bombers provide adequate time to evacuate personnel.  A good rule of thumb to remember is that callers providing clear and specific information are more likely to be legitimate bombers.  Personnel receiving bomb threat calls are advised to follow these procedures: 
   1.    Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible. 
   2.    Ask specifically the location of the device and the time of detonation.  Additional questions regarding its physical appearance, how it will be activated, and - very importantly - why the bomb was planted. 
   3.    Listen to the caller's voice and note any special distinguished characteristics. 
   4.    Note background noises that may help in identifying the caller's location. 
   5.    Record the exact time of the call. 
   B.    Notify the 
security department on the emergency number, extension 3333. 
II.    Evacuations 
   A.    (Evacuations should not be automatic.)  Generally, the motive of most callers is to harass, intimidate and disrupt operations.  For example, it may be detrimental to employee safety.  Improperly executed evacuations may result in panic and injuries.  Finally, the bomb(s) may be planted in assembly areas and/or along evacuation routes if the bomber feels compelled to harm personnel. 
   1.    In most instances, the decision to evacuate should be made only when a suspect device is identified or if other evidence exists that suggests the threat is real. 
   2.    The evacuation decision should be reached jointly between the ranking person in the warehouse and the Loss Prevention Manager.  All decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis. 
   B.    Permission to re-enter the evacuated building will be given by the responding emergency agencies - not SUPERVALU personnel. 
III.    Bomb Searches 
   A.    The following methods sh 
ould be employed to conduct safe bomb searches. 
   1.    Only key personnel in a department or area should participate.  This may include bargaining unit personnel. 
   2.    Search areas should be divided into grid zones to ensure maximum efficiency.  
   3.    Upon entering areas, search teams should listen for any unusual sounds such as ticking, etc. 
   B.    Proper documentation should be recorded immediately after all incidents. 
Finally, management should keep hoaxes in a low-key manner without giving employees the perception that we are not sensitive to their safety needs. 
Telephone Procedures 
Date _____-_____-_____    Time: _____:_____    Location: ______________________________ 
Call Received by: ________________________        Transferred to: _________________________                                                
Caller's Voice: 
(  )  Accent    (  )  Angry    (  )  Calm 
(    )  Clearing Throat    (    )  Cracking voice    (    )  Crying 
(    )  Deep    (    )  Deep breathing    (    )  Disguised 
(    )  Distinct    (    )  
Excited    (    )  Familiar 
(    )  Laughter    (    )  Lisp    (    )  Loud 
(    )  Nasal    (    )  Normal    (    )  Ragged 
(    )  Rapid    (    )  Raspy    (    )  Slow 
(    )  Slurred    (    )  Soft    (    )  Stutter 
If voice is familiar, who did it sound like? ___________________________________________________ 
Exact words of threat __________________________________________________________________ 
Background Sounds:   
(    )    Animal noises    (    )    Booth    (    )    Clear 
(    )    Local call    (    )    Factory/machinery    (    )    House noises 
(    )    Long Distance    (    )    Motor    (    )    Music 
(    )    Office equipment    (    )    PA System    (    )    Static 
(    )    Street Noises    (    )    Voices 
(    )    Other:    __________________________________________________________________________ 
Threat Language: 
(    )    Foul        (    )    Incoherent 
(    )    Irrational    (    )    Message read by threat-maker 
(    )    Taped        (    )    Well spoken (educated) 
Sex of Caller:    (    )    Male    (    )    Female 
Questions to ask: 
Will and when bomb is going to explode?  Yes      No      When ______:__ 
What is the location of bomb?  In building      In sales area       In stockroom       Outside building   
What does the look like?  ________________________________________________________________      
What will cause the bomb to explode?  _____________________________________________________ 
Did you place the bomb?  _______________________________________________________________ 
Why?  _______________________________________________________________________________ 
Detail the actual message given by caller:                                                                                                                                                                
Action Taken By Management: 
Building Evacuated:  Yes      No      Time Evacuated          :_____  Time Returned _____:_____            
Authorities Contacted:   Yes      No      Time Called           Time Arrived ______:_______ 
Name of Agency                                                 Person in Charge _____________ 
Signature _____________________________________ 
Title _________________________________________ 
Fire/Explosion/Chemical Release/Fuel Spill 
The following activities will be performed when a fire or explosion occurs: 
Note:    The Risk Control Manager will act as the incident coordinator in conjunction with 
   the Facilities Manager. 
A. The person(s) observing a fire or explosion should immediately report the situation to a member of Supervalu management. 
B. This management person will contact SUPERVALU Security at ext. 3333.  Security personnel will notify the fire department.  (The Risk Control Manager will verify that Security has been contacted). 
C. Immediately, the evacuation of personnel is to be initiated via automatic alarm and P.A. 
D. The Emergency Evacuation Team, as directed by the Risk Control Manager will monitor the evacuation of personnel. 
E. The fire department should be met by the Facilities Manager and escorted to the emergency scene (if the F 
acilities Manager is unavailable, the Maintenance Supervisor will meet the fire department and escort them to the emergency scene). 
F. Employees should not attempt to fight fires unless they have received incipient fire fighting, including fire extinguisher training. 
1. Any release/spill of a regulated material that under Colorado and Aurora city statutes, is 25 gallons or more is reportable. 
2. The Aurora Fire Department will be notified if any chemical is released beyond SUPERVALU property. 
System Synopsis 
The Tower Road Distribution Center maintains approximately 22,000 lbs. or approximately 4300 gallons of anhydrous ammonia.  The ammonia is contained with in an enclosed (schedule 80 pipe) recirculating system with approximately 60% in the engine/compressor room (behind maintenance) in a large orange tank called the high-pressure receiver.  The remaining 40% is contained in the piping and refrigeration devices in the perishable part of the facility. 

ll ammonia piping is colored orange.  The ammonia within the system, including the compressors in the engine/compressor room is equipped with individual relief systems that vent directly to the outside of the building.  All piping systems and pressure vessels are also relieved individually. 
Ammonia Characteristics 
Ammonia   NH3  
Physical Form:    Colorless Gas 
Exposure:    Inhalation, direct contact 
Toxicology:    Ammonia is a severe irritant of the eyes, respiratory tract and skin. 
Treatment:    If the liquid is splashed in the eyes or on the skin flush with copious amounts of water for 15 minutes.  Call Security at 3333 A.S.A.P. and have them contact Aurora Fire Department for further treatment and transport to the hospital. 
In the event of a spill, the following procedures will be observed: 
* Quickly, without endangering anyone, determine the extent of the spill 
* Notify Security at extension 3333.  They will page the Maintenance Manager a Risk Control Manager 
.  Security will then contact Aurora Fire Deportment if the spill is large enough. 
* Clean-up will not begin until the source is identified. 
* Clean-up personnel will wear proper personal protective equipment to clean-up the spill.  Remember, ammonia is extremely irritating to the mucus membranes, skin, and lungs. 
* Ammonia clean-up will always be done using the buddy system. 
* Immediately exit the building.  The smell of ammonia is dependent up individual susceptibility and dosage.  Upon exiting, the doors should be left open. 
* Immediately call Security at 3333, who, will notify Aurora Fire Department. 
* No one will be allowed to re-enter the building without approval of Aurora Fire Department 
There are ammonia detectors strategically located in the ceiling throughout the perishable and maintenance portions of the warehouse. 
* They will automatically activate the ventilation system to the outside when predetermined levels have been met. 
* Automat 
ic activation of the king valve automatically stops the flow of ammonia into the system 
* The computer system in the engine/compressor produces a printout of the alarm that has been activated. 
* The Aurora Fire Department is the only authorized agent to permit re-entry into the facility 
* The Facilities Maintenance Manager will contact Balto Refrigeration (303) 295-1140 in Commerce City, CO.  They can provide replacement ammonia within three (3) hours. 
* The affected zone will be isolated.  Work mat commence when the Facilities Maintenance  Manger determines what work procedures are in order. 
* Any release greater than 499 pounds in to the atmosphere requires RCRA reporting within 24 hours 
The following procedure is established to ensure releases of ammonia, accidental or otherwise are promptly investigated for employee exposure and expedite repair, if required. 
Employees play a crucial role in avoidance 
of implementing this plan by being aware of the presence of ammonia piping and equipment in their work area.  Should an employee strike or observe the striking of ammonia related equipment, supervision must be notified to implement corrective action to minimize employee exposure. 
Note:  Ammonia pipe is either orange or white with yellow labels that designates it as such.  It runs together (5-6 lines side-by-side) along the ceiling in Perishables and down center of aisle 39. 
Failure to report such incidents could result in delayed response.   
1. Employees discovering or observing the breakage of an ammonia line or detecting a strong ammonia odor should immediately report the incident to their supervisor.  If a supervisor is not present, immediately telephone Security at extension 
Note:  Under no circumstances, are any employees authorized to respond to chemical emergencies or to fight fires.  REMEMBER, REPORT AND/OR EVACUATE ONLY! 
2. Upon evacuation, immed 
iately proceed through any available exit to designated congregation areas.  These are to the south of the building along the fence by the employee parking lot.   
REMEMBER:  Emergency vehicles may be responding-stay out of the parking lot to avoid injury. 
3..      Remain at the congregation area by department.  A supervisor will take headcount. 
1. Upon notification, the supervisor should proceed to the area to investigate the situation.  If warranted, based on assessment, the area should be evacuated and maintenance notified through Security at Emergency Extension 
2. If a major release is observed, the Maintenance department should be immediately notified and the whole department evacuated. 
Note:  If unable to reach Maintenance, the Security office at extension      should be contacted to notify the Maintenance employees on call and advise them of the situation. 
3.    If the release involves the evacuation of the department, immediately notify the Risk Control Man 
ager at extension     or have him paged at 
3. After making notifications, the supervisor should remain either in the area, if possible, or remain available until Maintenance personnel arrive and assume control of the scene. 
Supervalu, Denver is a 24-hour operation.  Spills, both hazardous and non-hazardous can occur at anytime. 
When a spill does occur, it is important that your emotions don't take over and control your actions.  When emotions control actions small spills can become major disasters. 
The size of the spill and the hazard level associated with it will dictate the immediate steps you take to control the spill.  These steps include; 
Be sure you can identify the spilled substance and understand its potential hazards.  Look for the container labels, signs, placards and packaging labels.  (Refer to work area MSDS). 
If you cannot identify the spilled substance, leave the area immediately!  Then go directly to step #5. 
STEP 2:  SH 
If possible, without endangering your health, shut off the source of the spill.  This may involve closing a valve, uprighting a spilled drum or turning off a pump.  If required, use personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, respirators or splash protection.  Act quickly to minimize the spill, but remember, don't let your emotions control your actions. 
Securing the area prevents anyone that might happen on to the scene from being exposed to the spilled hazard.  It also prevents possible sources of ignition, such as forklifts, from entering the area.  All workers not involved in controlling the spill should be cleared from the area to prevent potential exposure to the hazardous substance. 
Some chemicals involving solvents or gasoline have 
extremely low flash points.  When a spill occurs, eliminate all sources of ignition.  Sources can vary from lift trucks, electrical contacts, automobile ignition systems to careless smoking. 
It is important for your own protection that you report the spill as soon as possible to your supervisor.  Should you be alone or unable to contact a Supervisor, notify security at the post by dialing.  When reporting a spill, you should vie your name, location of the spill, identification and quantity of the spilled substance any other information you feel pertinent.  Remember to stay calm and speak slowly and as accurately as you can so a Response team can respond as quickly as possible to the correct location. 
The Supervisor will notify the Spill Response Team to come and clean up the spill.  The materials used in the containment and clean up will be stored in a designated container to hold for proper disposal. 
Note:  The facilities manager or t 
he risk control manager must be notified at the earliest convenience to determine proper disposal methods for the materials used in the clean up. 
Spills can spread quickly.  They can run down slopes, off loading docks and into storm drainage systems.  Reduce the contaminated surface area by using absorbents to stop the flow of spilled substances. 
Drains, manhole covers and other devices and areas susceptible to spill runoff should be diked or covered with an absorbent. 
Spill kits containing petroleum absorbent materials, acid neutralizers are located in maintenance and the garage. 
If the spilled substance is of the nature which released hazardous vapors, air vents, air conditioning systems and other air circulation systems should be closed off or shut down. 
Once the spill has been contained, it needs to be cleaned up.  Absorbents have proven to be the most effective means of cleaning a spill. 
Depending upon the substance spilled 
and its hazardous properties, special precautions may need to be taken during the cleanup process such as the use of anti-static absorbents, neutralization, personal protective equipment and clothing. And static resistant tools.  The contaminated material needs to be packaged so it will not leak or escape its disposal container. 
All reusable personal protective clothing, protective equipment, tools and contaminated surfaces must be disposed of or decontaminated immediately after cleanup has been completed.  Contaminated clothing or equipment should not be taken home because it could expose others to the hazardous material. 
Contaminated surfaces should be rinsed with a neutralizing solution until the hazardous residue has been eliminated.  Contaminated equipment and tools should be scrubbed in a washing solution and rinsed thoroughly before being dried and stored for the next use.  The washing solution, unless neutralized, must be disposed as hazardous waste 

All non-contaminated items such as spent absorbents, rags, disposable clothing, tools, etc. must be packaged and labeled depending upon the substance as either industrial or hazardous waste in accordance with local regulations. 
The container used for disposing the spilled substance and spent absorbents must be capable of containing the waste during storage and transportation. 
   In the event of an ammonia spill, the following procedures shall be observed: 
* Quickly, without endangering yourself, determine the extent of the spill. 
* Notify security at. They will page the Maintenance Manager and Risk Control Manager.  They will contact the Fire Department in the event of a substantial spill. 
* Do not attempt to clean up the spill until its origin has been determined. 
* Clean-up personnel must wear proper personal protective equipment including eye protection.  Remember!  Ammonia is very irritation to your eyes, nose, mouth and lungs. 
* Do not attempt to c 
lean up ammonia spills alone.  The buddy system must be employed. 
The loss prevention manager or the facilities manager will be responsible for proper disposal of the materials used in the clean up. 
Management and security personnel will monitor a storm's progress when a tornado watch has been issued.  There are dedicated weather radios located in Security and Human Resources.  There will most likely be limited advance warning of an approaching tornado. 
Management will alert employees via intercom (each building has one) when a tornado is sighted or a warning alert is issued.  Distribution center employees should immediately move to the underground tunnel in the center of the grocery warehouse.  Employees should immediately move to the northwest portions of their respective buildings. 
It is important that everyone stay away from windows and wall hangings because there will be a high risk from flying glass, particularly in the administration building.  Offic 
e personnel should seek refuge in a protected hallway.  People who are outside should seek cover in a ditch or other protected enclosure.  Automobiles are not recommended for shelter. 
After the tornado has passed, remember to exercise caution around damaged power lines.  Do not smoke because flammable liquids or gases may be present.  Stay out of any damaged areas until an inspection can be conducted. 
If you sight a tornado while at work, please notify Security at extension 3333. 
TORNADO WATCH:  Weather conditions could potentially produce a tornado.  This is an alert only.  Site management and the security guards will monitor the situation. 
TORNADO WARNING:  An actual tornado sighting has occurred in the area.  This is an alarm and may mean immediate action is required.  Warnings will be monitored by siren and weather band radio located in the guard post.  Sirens and announcements emanate from the Aurora Fire Department located at 13th & Airport (Buckley Road).  Site management wil 
l alert Emergency Marshall's for the need to move to safe areas. 
When directed to move to a Safe Area by an Emergency Marshall, please do so quickly.  All Safe Areas are marked with a Red T on a white background.  Please become familiar with the one closest to your work area as well as others in the building in case you are not near your work area when the warning is issued.  Also, make sure that guests in your work area are escorted to a Safe Area. 
During a warning, please follow these guidelines: 
* Stay away from the perimeter of the building and all exterior windows. 
* Leave your work area and move to a "T" marked Safe Area. 
* Do not leave the building. 
* If a tornado hits the site and does damage to the building, do not reenter damaged areas until they have been inspected, and you're told it is safe to reenter. 
* Do not smoke. 
If conditions persist or the phone service is shut down due to disaster, AT&T would be immediately notified and would take over the routing of calls  
as well as using other emergency messages. 
If the building were actually destroyed or deemed unusable, Customer Service would move to an off-site emergency location which we maintain.  Customer Service personnel would receive further instructions at that time as to location and when to report to the new facility.  We have an agreement with the emergency location such that we should be able to restore phone service there within 2 hours and systems support should be available within 24 hours. 
Fire alarm pull boxes are located near the exits on each floor.  Fires may be reported by phone by calling security at 361-3333.  When an alarm sounds, you must assume it is a real emergency and begin an orderly evacuation of the building.  If the building requires evacuation, you may use the P.A. system that is functional throughout the building. 
Once an alarm sounds, the facility must be evacuated.  Begin proceeding toward the design 
ated exit in an orderly manner.  Do not run, do not panic, but move quickly.  Do not use elevators.  When you get outside, move a safe distance from the building.  Please stay in one group and allow access to the doors for emergency personnel.  Do not re-enter the building until the emergency personnel has indicated to do so. 
To provide a safe environment for operations such as cutting and welding, or others involving heat sources. 
This document applies to all division operations.  It includes work done in existing facilities as well as new additions and expansions. 
This defines procedures for cutting, welding, or other open flame operations. 
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that required cutting/welding permits are      obtained and their specifications are followed. 
The department heads of the following departments are authorized to iss 
ue permits: 
Distribution Director 
Facilities Manager 
Warehouse Manager 
Risk Control Manager 
All supervisors may issue permits for maintenance shop area. 
* Prior to issuing a permit, the requesting party shall provide written documentation ensuring that: 
* An on-site analysis of the work area is completed.  Combustible/flammable materials shall be relocated a minimum of 50 feet from cutting/welding operations.  Fire blankets or other suitable barriers shall be utilized to cover material that cannot be moved. 
* A cognizant person is designated as "Fire Watch" and identified as such on the permit. 
* Cutters and/or welders are explained job safety requirements. 
* Appropriate types of fire extinguishers are readily available. 
* Permits are affixed in immediate proximity to operations. 
* The site shall be periodically re-inspected to assure program compliance. 
* An inspection is performed by the Fire Watch one hour after the cessation of hot work activities. 
* Security, extensi 
on 0213, is notified that a permit will be issue prior to the commencement of operations. 
* Permits will be re-issued on a daily basis. 
   Print Name                    Signature            Date 
cc:    Risk Control Manager 
   Director of Distribution 
SUPERVALU must provide training and other safety related information to those employees who have potential exposure to hazardous chemicals on the work site. 
An employee may or may not be covered by this requirement based on their exposure to hazardous chemicals.  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines a covered employee as any "worker who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal operating conditions or in foreseeable emergencies". 
OSHA requires that every employer establish a Written Hazard Communication Program that enables employees to access information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace. 
Ongoing monitoring in work areas of this company provides dat 
a on which work processes use hazardous chemicals.  Department specific, Material Safety Data Sheets, (MSDS), are maintained in the shipping offices of (Perishables and Grocery), as well as the vehicle maintenance garage, advertising, and the general merchandise warehouse.  In addition to department specific lists, a master list of MSDS's is maintained in the bookshelves behind the distribution center secretary's desk.  Included in these books is a listing of the hazardous materials by location.  
Labels are placed on containers by manufacturers and distributors to serve as an immediate visual warning of the chemical hazards in the workplace.  Labels should list at least the chemical identity, appropriate hazard warnings, and the name and address of the manufacturer or other responsible party.   
Material Safety Data Sheets 
SUPERVALU will also assure that MSDS's are available to employees at the workplace for each hazardous chemical used.  Manufacturers and distributors of chem 
icals are required to provide MSDS's whenever chemicals are shipped  The MSDS will be maintained in the workplace and readily accessible to any employee by asking their immediate supervisor.  The MSDS contains the following information: 
*    Identity of the material; 
*    Physical and chemical characteristics; 
*    Physical hazards including potential for fire, explosion and reactivity; 
*    Health hazards including signs and symptoms of exposure, and any medical conditions which are generally recognized as being aggravated by exposure to the chemical; 
*    Primary routes of entry into the body; skin absorption, smell, etc. 
*    Exposure limits; 
*    Whether the chemical is listed in the National Toxicology Program Annual Report on Carcinogens or has been found to be a potential carcinogen in the International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs, or by OSHA; 
*    Any generally applicable precautions for safe handling and use including appropriate hygienic practices, protective measures during r 
epair and maintenance of contaminated equipment, and procedures for cleaning up spills and leaks; 
*    Any generally applicable control measures such as engineering controls, work practices, or personal protective equipment; 
*    Emergency and first aid procedures; 
*    Date of preparation of the material safety data sheet or the last change to it; 
*    Name, address and telephone number of the party preparing or distributing the MSDS who can provide additional information on the hazardous chemical and appropriate emergency procedures, if necessary. 
If no relevant information is found for any given category on a material safety data sheet, the MSDS will be marked to indicate that no applicable information was found.  In addition, where complex mixtures have similar hazards and contents, one MSDS may apply to all of these similar mixtures. 
Employees will receive information and training about hazardous materials exposure at the time of an employee's initial work assignment in an area  
where hazardous chemicals are used, and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area.  Supervisors will show and explain labels, MSDS's, and other hazard warnings.  Supervisors will also explain the nature of hazardous chemicals in specific workplaces and the written hazard communication program. 
Training will include instruction to employees on methods and observations to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical (such as monitoring by the company, visual appearance, or odors).  Training will also include instruction to employees on physical and health hazards, protective measures, and the details of the hazard communication program.  Employees will be instructed on how to obtain and use hazard information. 
For employees who handle sealed containers of chemicals and do not open the containers under normal conditions, our company will: 
*    Maintain and provide access to material safety data sheets that are received for hazardous chemicals while the chemicals a 
re in the workplace; 
*    Obtain material safety data sheets when they are not received but an employee requests one; 
*    Insure that labels on incoming containers of hazardous materials are not removed or defaced; 
*    Provide information and training to the extent needed to protect those employees in the event of a spill or a leak. 
Non-Routine Tasks 
When you are required to perform hazardous non-routine tasks (eg., order selectors required to clean-up chemical product spills, etc.), a special training session will be conducted to inform your regarding the hazardous chemicals to which you might be exposed and the proper precautions to take to reduce or avoid exposure. 
Contractor Employers 
The Maintenance Superintendent will advise outside contractors in person of any chemical hazards that may be encountered in the normal course of their work on the premises.  The labeling system in use, the protective measures to be taken, the safe handling procedures to be used.  Additionally, they wi 
ll be informed of the location and availability of the MSDS's. 
Each contractor bringing chemicals on-site must provide SUPERVALU with the appropriate hazard information on each substance, including the labels used and the precautionary measures to be taken in working with these chemicals. 
Employees who have questions about this program or those who are seeking additional information should request this information through their supervisor.  If the supervisor can not provide the requested information then the employee should contact the Risk Control Manager (303) 361-0350.
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