Bayport, TX - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Air Liquide America Corporation Bayport facility produces oxygen, nitrogen and argon through the process of air seperation.  Four air seperation units and associated compressors and boilers are utilized to produce pipeline nitrogen, oxygen and steam.  Chlorine is used in this facility in the tratment of cooling tower water.  Chlorine is used as a biocide in several cooling water systems at the facility.  There are four cooling towers supplied with chloirne from two chlorinator systems.  Each system contains two one ton cylinders.  Each system has one on-line and one stand-by cylinder.  The chlorine stations locations were selected  on the basis of  proximity to the cooling towers and distance from vehicular and railroad traffic.  Keeping these systems close to the cooling towers reduces distribution piping distance and thus the possibilty of leakage.
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