Waste Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1. Accidental release prevention and emergency action policies. 
In this publicly owned treatment works (POTW), chlorine and sulfur dioxide chemicals are handled, which are considered hazardous by the United Stated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The same properties which make chlorine and sulfur dioxide valuable as a commodity also make it necessary to observe certain safety precautions in handling the same to prevent unnecessary human exposure, to reduce the threat  to our own personal health as well as that of our co-workers, and to reduce the threat to nearby members of the community.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable Federal  and state rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the manner in which we handle chlorine and sulfur dioxide, the safety devices inherent in the design of this facility, the safe handling procedures that we use, and the training of our personnel. 
The emergency action plan is based upon guidance from EPA documentation.  The emergency ac 
tion plans includes procedures for notification of the City of Harrison fire authority, notification of the Boone County Office of Emergency Services, and notification of any potentially affected neighbors. 
2. The stationary source and regulated substances handled. 
The primary purpose of this facility is to treat residential and industrial sewage discharge.  The facility has equipment for unloading DOT 1-ton cylinders of chlorine and sodium dioxide.  Access to the site is restricted to authorized facility employees, authorized management personnel, and authorized contractors.  The total inventory of chlorine is 4-tons (4, 1-ton cylinders), and the total inventory of sodium dioxide is 4-tons (4, 1-ton cylinders). 
3. The worst-case release scenario and the alternative release scenario, including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario. 
Worst-Case Scenario - Cl2, Failure of  a 1-ton cylinder of chlorine would release 2,000 poun 
ds of chlorine.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor, which is heavier than air.  The distance to the endpoint of 0.0087 mg/L is 0.9 miles. 
Worst-Case Scenario - SO2, Failure of a 1-ton cylinder of sodium dioxide would release 2,000 pounds of sodium dioxide.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor, which is heavier than air.  The distance to the endpoint of 0.0078 mg/L is 0.9 miles. 
Alternative Release Scenario - Cl2,  A 1-ton cylinder is punctured which produces a release rate of 2,500 pounds per minute.  The  puncture would drain a full 1-ton cylinder in 0.8 minutes.  The distance to the toxic endpoint of 0.0087 ml/L is 0.6 miles. 
Alternative Release Scenario - SO2, A 1-ton cylinder is punctured which produces a release rate of 2,500 pounds per minute.  The  puncture would drain a full 1-ton cylinder in 0.8 minutes.  The distance to the toxic endpoint of 0.0078 ml/L is 0.6 miles. 
4. The general accidental release prevention program a 
nd the specific steps. 
This Publicly Owned Treatment Works facility complies with EPA's Accidental Release Prevention Rule and with all applicable state codes and regulations. 
5. Five-year accident history. 
No accidental releases of chlorine or sulfur dioxide have occurred at the facility since the facility opened in 1987. 
6. The emergency response program. 
This facility's is a non-responding facility.  We have discussed this program with the City of Harrison's Fire Department and with the Boone County Office of Emergency Service. 
7. Planned changes to improve safety. 
This facility was constructed in 1987 in accordance with all applicable Federal, state, and local rules, regulations, and guidelines.  We continue to improve our operations as necessary to protect human health and the environment.
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