Wilshire Water Quality Control Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Wilshire Water Quality Control Plant( WQCP) has served central  Savannah since 1960.Treatment of the wastewater flowing into the plant consisted of a  stabilization pond and a polishing pond with 150lbs chlorine cylinder for disinfection. The plant was upgraded in 1989 to the waste flow  through a biological treatment process and disinfection with chlorine prior to discharged. 
The chlorine feed rates varies from 15 lbs. per day to 45 lbs. per day depending on the effluent quality and demand. Chlorine gas is use for disinfection of the plant effluent. The chlorine is trucked in 2000 lbs. container. The chlorine system has a chlorine leak detector. The chlorine leak detector activates visual and audible alarms to alert operation personnel if a leak is occurs. 
In February, 1999  the Wilshire WQCP completed its program 2  Risk Management Plan (RMP) in accordance with section 112 of the Clean Air Act. The Risk Management Plan includes the following 14 components: 1) Introduction, 2) Emp 
loyee Involement, 3)Process Safety, 4) Process Hazard Analysis, 5) Operating Procedures and Practices, 6) Employee Training, 7) Contractor Information, 8) Pre-Startup Safety, 9) Mechanical Integrity, 10) Non-routine Work Authorization, 11) Change Management, 12) Incident Investigaiton, 13) Emergency Preparedness, 14) Compliance Audits. The information provided within these components are not to be considered all - inclusive for every conceivable scenario. However, it is the intent of the plan to provide a organized approach to the safe operation of the chlorination system, by defining, understanding, operating, maintaining, reviewing and documenting. The Treatment Adminstrator has overall responsbility for ensuring that the Process Management Plan is followed, reviewed and updated. 
The Operation Superintendent will be responsible for employee involvement, Employee Training, Emergency Preparedness, Compliance Audits,Process Hazard Analysis, Operating Procedure and Practices and Managem 
ent Change. 
The Maintenance Superintendent will be responsible Contracors, Pre-startup Safety, Mechanical Intergrity, Monthly Maintenance  Scheduling and Non- routine Work Authorization. 
The Chemist will be responsible for Process Safety Information. 
   Worst Case Scenario 
The worst case scenario, in terms of a major release of gas, has been determined to be a structual failure of a 2000 lbs chlorine cylinder. The likelihood of this happening is sligth. For the worst case scenario it is a requirement of the 40 CFR 68.25 for the largest full container on site to completely empty its contents within a 10 minute period. 
The distance to the toxic endpoint of the worst case release scenario has been determine to be 5.7 miles from the Wilshire Street WQCP. 
Alternate Release Scenario 
The alternate release scenario has been determined to be a shearing off of a1/4 inch I.D. flexible connector between the manifold and cylinder. In accordance withthe OCA guidance the maximum leak duration 
of 60 minutes has been used. 
The distance to the toxic endpoint of the alternate release scenario has been determine to be .7 miles from the Wilshire  WQCP. 
To reduce the risk and magnitude of potential releases, written procedures for the safe handling and operation of the chlorination system has been implemented. In addition, work performed on equipment subject to cause a release requires a minimum of two personnel. Personnel are also required to wear Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) throughout the course of work associated with the chlorination equipment. Any major work to be performed on the chlorination system is limited to day time only, to reduce the possibility of a chlorine release and to ensure sufficient personnel are immediately available should a release occur. 
To date, there has been no chlorine release from the Wilshire WQCP. 
There are no plans to make any changes in the RMP at this time,  reviewing and updating the RMP will be  ongoing.
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