Amrex Chemical Company, Inc (Main Facility) - Executive Summary |
Amrex Chemical Company is a wholesale chemical distributor that warehouses and repackages a variety of hazardous and nonhazardous chemicals. The facility's prevention program includes implementation of procedures to address employee safety and to reduce risk of accidents involving hazardous chemicals. An area that has secondary containment and a neutralization tank is utilized to capture, contain and neutralize spills. This program has been successful in that there have been no reportable accidents. The facility is subject to OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) requirements. The following hazardous chemicals subject to PSM are stored on site: anhydrous ammonia, chlorine gas, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and sulfur dioxide. Chemicals subject to EPA's Risk Management Program (RMP) requirements include the following: anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia (29%), and hydrofluoric acid (70%). RMP* Comp was used to estimate toxic endpoint distances for all RMP chemicals onsite. The worst case scenario was based on the release of chemical with the greatest distance to toxic endpoint. It was assumed that the contents of the largest single vessel would be completely released. Hydrofluoric acid was the chemical with the farthest endpoint of 0.3 miles for the worst case, and 0.1 miles for the alternative case. The worst case scenario was considered to be the release of a full drum to the outside. The alternative case scenario for hydrofluoric acid was estimated to be the loss of a one gallon container. ACS for each RMP chemical was also included. Although mitigation systems exist as described in Section 7.0, a conservative view was taken in establishing the WCS and ACS. In both cases it was assumed that the release occurred in a location where it would not enter the sump area and neutralization tank, and would therefore be released to the outside environment. |