Delano Energy Co., Inc. - Executive Summary |
FEDERALLY MANDATED RMP SUBMISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 1 of 3 1. Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies This facility handles anhydrous ammonia which is considered a hazardous material. The properties of ammonia make it necessary to observe safety precautions in handling ammonia to prevent human exposure, and to reduce the threat to the facilitys workers and nearby members of the community. It is the facilitys policy to adhere to all applicable Federal and State of California rules and regulations. Safety depends upon the safe procedures used to handle ammonia; the safety devices and systems designed and constructed into the facility; and the training of the pertinent personnel. 2. Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled The facility operates two biomass-fired, electrical generating units. Unit I is designed to generate 30 MW gross (28 MW net) of electrical power, while Unit II is designed to generate 25 MW gross (21 MW net) of electrical power. The plant burns agricultural, wood fuels, and other crop wastes in a fluidized bed boiler to generate high pressure steam which drives a turbine generator. Ammonia vapor is used at the plant to control nitrogen oxide Nox emissions in the boiler flu gas. Figure 2 is a simplified process flow diagram of the ammonia system. Anhydrous ammonia is received at the plant via a liquefied-gas tank-truck and stored in a single 30,000 gallon capacity tank. There is a daily maximum of 132,000 lb of ammonia at the facility. 3a. Worst Case Release Scenario The largest storage vessel is a 30,000 (Water Capacity) pressure storage tank of ammonia. Failure of this container will release 132,000 lb of ammonia. It is assumed that the entire 132,000 lb is released as gas in ten minutes. The ammonia storage tank is located outside of any structure or building. The distance to the endpoint of 0.14mg/L (200ppm) for the Worst Case scenario will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary so urce. 3b. Alternative Release Scenario The Alternate Release Scenario for the covered process was determined to be the result of an undetected hole in the temporarily connected liquid filling hose from the tanker delivery vehicle to the ammonia storage tank. It is estimated that this hose would contain 65 lbs. of ammonia which result in an unconfined pool of liquid ammonia. The estimated duration of this event is fifteen minutes. The distance to the endpoint of 0.14mg/L (200ppm) for the Alternative Release will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary source. 3c. Administrative Controls Administrative control to limit the distances for each reported scenario exists to restrict the amount of ammonia released to a minimum, if a release were to occur; and preferably to not have a release occur. This administrative control is inherent in the operational procedures for the ammonia system and the training provided to the ammonia system operators. 3d. Mitigation Measures Mitig ation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario exists to restrict the amount of ammonia released to a minimum, if a release were to occur; and preferably to not have a release occur. The mitigation measures are based upon the design, inspection, testing, and maintenance of the ammonia system and its related equipment and components. 4. General Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical Specific Prevention Steps The facility complies with all applicable federal and state codes and regulations. There are safety meetings and safety training. The Process Safety Management (PSM) program implemented at the facility for the ammonia related activities and equipment represents one of the facilitys main active commitments to an accidental release prevention program. 5. Five Year Accident History No accidental releases occurred within the last five years 6. Emergency Response Program The Emergency Response Program is based upon the alerting of personnel at th e facility to evacuate the facility and await the arrival of responders from the local Fire Department and other agency emergency response teams at the evacuation assembly location if a release occurs that causes the evacuation to be initiated. Kern County incorporates this response into the County Area Plan for the Region 5 Local Emergency Planning Committee. 7. Planned Changes To Improve Safety Commitments made under the State of Californias Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP) and their related activities will continue to be implemented until their RMP is implemented. Current applicable codes and regulations are being reviewed to determine if other commitments need to be made to achieve increased operational safety for the ammonia system. |