City of Folsom Sewer Pump Station #1 - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1. Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
This City of  Folsom's Sewer Pump Station  #1 , located at 13395 Folsom Blvd, Folsom CA, 95630,  handles liquefied chlorine gas, under pressure.  Chlorine  gas, CAS # 7782-50-5, is considered a hazardous material that is a regulated substance subject to both 40 CFR, Chapter I, Subchapter C, Subpart A, Part 68 and  the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5: California Accidental Release Prevention Program.   The receipt, storage and use of liquefied chlorine gas at Sewer Pump Station #1 is considered in the City of Folsom's Risk Management Plan (RMP) as part of  single process. 
The properties of chlorine make it necessary to observe safety precautions in handling to prevent human exposure, and to reduce the threat to the facility's workers and nearby members of the community.  It is the City of Folsom's policy to adhere to all applicable Federal and State of  
California rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the safe procedures used to handle chlorine; the safety devices and systems designed and constructed into the facility; and the training of the pertinent personnel. 
2. Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled 
The City of Folsom's Public Works Department uses liquified chlorine at the Sewer Pump Station # 1 for odor control.   Chlorine is delivered by a commercial chlorine supplier in one-ton containers for use at the Pump Station.  Off-loading of the one-ton container from the commercial delivery vehicle is accomplished with a two-ton hoist.  
The one-ton containers are placed inside the  Pump Station's chlorine building on storage  carts and secured in place with safety straps.  The carts are staged on rails and are bolted into place. The number of one-ton containers which can be accommodated at the Pump Station  is limited to two; one on stand-by and one on-line. 
Delivery of the one-ton containers is during normal wo 
rking hours. The driveway provides adequate room for the delivery and parking of the delivery vehicles during the off-loading of the full one-ton containers and loading of the empty one-ton containers. The Chlorine building is not exposed to vehicular traffic. The container storage and handling is conducted pursuant to per Sections 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 of the Chlorine Institute's Chlorine Manual.        
Pump Station #1 is an unmanned facility is locked at all times.  No unauthorized personnel  are  allowed entry into the site or the Pump Station's chlorine building.  
The City of Folsom's Pump Station #1 operates twenty-four hour per day, seven days per week. The amount of chlorine used in the treatment process is dependent upon many factors. The average feed rate for  chlorine is 80 pounds per day.   
The chlorine gas is withdrawn from the one-ton containers by vacuum.  This vacuum opens the vacuum regulator diaphragm  and withdraws the chlorine gas from the one-ton containers at a cont 
rolled feed rate set by the operators with the use of the rotometer at the chlorinator unit. The gas is injected into the feed water line, where it becomes a chlorine/ water solution and is feed where it is needed in the treatment process.  The chlorine building has inlet and outlet exhaust fans for fresh air entry, chlorine leak detectors, and alarm systems. The vacuum regulators are vented to the outside.  
3a.  Worst Case Release Scenario 
The one ton (2,000 pounds) chlorine container is the largest vessel in the chlorine system located at Pump Station #1.   The Worst Case release scenario to be modeled for the one ton chlorine container assumes that the full 2,000 pounds of chlorine is released over a ten minute period resulting in a release rate of 200 pounds per minute. The distance to the toxic gas endpoint  for chlorine of  .0087 mg/l for the Worst Case scenario is 1.3 miles.  This chlorine release will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary source. 
3b.  Alternative Re 
lease Scenario 
The Alternative Release scenario for chlorine for the one ton container located at the Pump Station #1 assumes a release from a valve packing, resulting in an estimated release of no more than 2 pounds per minute.  The period of release is taken to be one hour in duration, resulting in a total release quantity of  120 pounds of chlorine gas. The distance to the endpoint of  .0087 mg/l for the Alternative Release scenario is 0.1 mile.  This chlorine release will extend beyond the boundaries of the stationary source. 
3c.  Administrative Controls 
Administrative and operational  controls  exist at the Pump Station #1  to restrict, to a minimum, the amount of chlorine released, if a release were to occur, and preferably,  to  prevent  a release  from occurring.  The administrative  and operational controls are  inherent in the written operating  procedures,  written  maintenance procedures and schedules, and the engineering design  for the chlorine system utilized  at the  
Pump Station,  as well as the training provided to the chlorine  system operators. 
3d.  Mitigation Measures 
Mitigation measures  exist at the Pump Station #1  to restrict, to a minimum, the amount of chlorine released, if a release were to occur, and  preferably,  to  prevent  a release  from occurring. The mitigation measures are based upon the design, inspection, testing, and maintenance of the chlorine system and its related equipment and components. 
4. General Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical Specific Prevention Steps 
The City of Folsom's Public Works Department complies with all  federal and state codes and regulations applicable to the operation of  Pump Station #1. Safety meetings and safety training are conducted on a regular basis.  The Hazardous Materials Management Procedures, the Emergency Response Plan and the Injury and Illness Prevention Program implemented at  Pump Station #1 for the chlorine related activities and equipment represents one of the   
Public Works Department's  primary active commitments to an accidental release prevention program.  
5. Five Year Accident History 
There have been no incidents involving the release of chlorine within the past five years at the City of Folsom's Pump Station #1. 
6. Emergency Response Program 
The City of Folsom has developed, as a joint effort with the Preparedness Division of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES),  the Emergency Operations Plan EOP).  The City of Folsom's EOP is a "Multi-Hazard" Emergency Plan  which provides guidance for the City of  Folsom's reponse to an extraordinary emergency situation . 
In accordance with the City of Folsom's EOP  the emergency response procedures  implemented at the Pump Station is based on trained personnel initiating emergency response action to mitigate the release of  chlorine gas at Pump Station #1.  The  Sacramento County Division of Environmental Health Services incorporates  the EOP into the County Area Plan for the Local E 
mergency Planning Commission. 
7. Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
There are commitments made  as a result of the Hazard Operability (HazOp)  Study the that are being implemented at this time for the next year.  Current applicable codes and regulations are reviewed as part of the Pump Station's Maintenance Program  to determine if other commitments need to be made to achieve increased operational safety for the regulated chlorine system.  These commitments will be prevention and mitigation measures for accidental releases of the regulated substances.
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