Great Lakes Health Care System, Tomah Site - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This site is a regional Veterans Administration Hospital.  As such it has the bennefit of an on-site, full time fire department.  The propane system consisting of two 30,000 gallon tanks is utilized as a standy-by fuel.  The fire department in conjunction with the manufacturer and installer have reviewed the system and find it to be safe.  On-going maintenance reviews and checks are completed.  There have been no accidents relative to the system thruought its history.  The worst scenario describes a situation where 108,800 gallons of propane is lost over a ten minute period involving a .96 mile radial.  The alternate case describes the evolution of propane gas from a relief valve, ejecting 98,645 pounds of propane in a 26 minute period and covering a radial of .76 miles.  The training for the system was provided in 12/98 and the emergency response plan has been updated as late as June of 1999.
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