Port Acres Wastewater Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1.  Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies. 
The City of Port Arthur Port Acres Wastewater Plant uses chlorine gas, which is considered hazardous by the EPA.  The City is committed to its employees in the safe handling of chlorine.  We are also committed to reducing the threat to nearby members of the community.  All employees that handle chlorine in its container are hazwopper trained.   
Our emergency response program will be coordianted with the Port Arthur Fire and Police Departments.  Our emergency plan includes procedures for notifying any affected neighborhoods.   
2.  The stationary service and regulated substance handled. 
The primary purpose of the facility is to treat and disinfect the wastewater effluent.  Chlorine is the only toxic chemical over the threshold limit used at this facility.  It is received in ton containers and is used for disinfection.  The facility has equipment in use for the safe handling and storage of the ton cylinders.  The total inv 
entory of chlorine stored at this facility is 18,000 pounds. 
3.  The worst case release scenario and the alternative release scenario, including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario. 
Worst Case Scenario - Rupture of a ton cylinder would release 2000 lbs. of chlorine.  An addiitional 1200 lbs. would escape through the ruptured drum from the manifold system.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor, which is heavier than air.  The distance to the endpoint is 0087 mg/L.  All liquid leaks will be handled as a worst case scenario. 
Alternative Release Scenario - A 1/4 inch tubing that runs from the ton cylinder to the manifold breaks and releases chlorine gas.  It is estimated that 500 lbs. of chlorine would be release in a 60 minute time period.  Plant personnel will handle all gas leaks in order to minimize the release. 
4.  The general accidental release prevention program and the specific prevention steps. 

ccidental release and prevention of the facility includes inspections of equipment and chlorine cylinders for any malfunction or abnormal appearances.  It also includes an inspection check list when changing chlorine cylinders.  Specific prevention steps include training of employees, safe handling of cylinders, and inspection and maintenance of the system.  Inventory of spare parts that are subject to failure are kept on hand. 
5.  Five year accudent history. 
The wastewater treatment plants have not had any RMP releases during the past five years (1994-1998). 
6.  The emergency response program. 
Our emergency response program will be coordinated through the Port Arthur Fire Department and their hazmat team.  Ton response kits will be kept at the wastewater plant and on the Fire Department response truck.  Class A encapsulated suit will also be kept at both locations. 
7.  Planned changes to improve safety. 
*  Upgrade the chlorine feed system 
*  Revisions to arsenal training programs 
*  R 
eplacement of all obsolete safety equipment 
*  Revisons of written operating procedures
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