Womack Hill Gas Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Womack Hill Gas Plant is located in a rural area of Choctaw Co., Alabama and currently manned 24 hours per day by trained personnel. The plant processes natural gas from oil fields in Choctaw and Clarke Co.'s Alabama. The products of Propane, Butane, and Natural Gasoline are extracted from the produced gas and are stored in the steel storage tanks until sold. The product storage pressures range from 205 psig to 12 psig. The residue gas is sold at the tailgate of the plant to the local pipeline at 350 psig. All tanks are equipped with pressure relief systems. Worst case release scenario would be a storage tank rupture which could result in an exposure of 0.3 mile radius with off site residences. Alternative release scenario would be small puncture of storage tank resulting which could in an exposure of 0.2 mile radius. Five (5) year accident history  -  None. Emergency response is based on 24 hour manned operation. The operator intends to maintain smaller inventories of stored produ 
ct to reduce potentional exposure.
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