Brush Wellman, Inc. - Executive Summary |
Brush Wellman, Inc. complies with the requirements for anhydrous ammonia storage. It is Brush Wellman's policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws. Brush Wellman takes a proactive approach with regard to chemical safety and compliance by keeping abreast of any regulatory changes that may affect the Delta facility and/or the way the facility interacts with the local community. Brush Wellman believes that it is extremely important to provide their employees with the best available safety information and equipment. Brush Wellman believes that well-trained and informed employees are the key to preventing or minimizing chemical accidents that may affect the community, and has several training programs in place for the safe handling of all chemicals at their facility, not just ammonia. Brush Wellman has several emergency response teams in place and ready to respond in the event of an emergency at the Delta faciltiy. These teams have specialized knowledge and trai ning in order to safely and effectively respond to first aid, fire, chemical releases, and rope rescue incidents. If an emergency were to occur, Brush Wellman's emergency response teams would respond to the best of their abilities to control the situation. If needed, Brush Wellman would request the assistance of the Delta Fire Department or the Millard County LEPC, depending on the nature of the emergency. Brush Wellman's facility is a milling operation in that uses ammonia in its production process. The facility uses one ammonia storage tank with a water capacity of 39,880 gallons. Potential problem areas such as: valves, hoses, connection points, etc. are visually inspected on a daily basis to ensure that the system is operating properly and there are no indications of potential equipment failure. Brush Wellman's facility worst case scenario considers the effects of the release of the entire storage tank contents in a 10-minute period. According to EPA's look-up tables, the d istance to the endpoint is 3.5 miles and there are no residences within the distance to the endpoint. However, there is a railroad and public property within the area. The alternative release scenario indicates that during a more realistic release event, the release would be confined to Brush Wellman property, and would not have an off-site impact. Brush Wellman's facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations. The ammonia system has been desinged, installed, and maintained in accordance with state law. Brush Wellman has not had a accident involving ammonia that has resulted in deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or sheltering in place for the past five years. In the event of an emergency, Brush Wellman would implement its emergency response plan, and notify the Millard County LEPC. Brush Wellman has no current plans or changes for the ammonia system, but will continue to train employe es on a regular basis and maintain the equipment to ensure peak performance. |