| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This facility is an agricultural retail business, which sells anhydrous ammonia to crop producers and propane to local customers for home heating.  Our anhydrous ammonia plant consists of 2 tanks with a total of 24,000 gallon capacity.  Our propane plant has a 11,800 gallon tank.  Worse case scenario of the NH3 facility would release 79000 pounds with a distance to endpoint of .83 miles with an estimated 150 people affected.  The propane worst case scenario would release 44000 pounds with a distance of endpoint of .3 miles affecting 150 people.  This facility complies with all local and state codes and regulations.  Both systems are designed and maintained in accordance with the Kansas Department of Agriculture and State Fire Marshall.  This company has never experienced an accident involving propane or anhydrous ammonia in the past five years.  Our emergency response plan has been shared with the Harris Fire Department and in the event of an emergency we have requested that they be ou 
rfirst responder.  The Harris Fire Department inspects our facilities on an annual basis.
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