Tom's Foods Inc. - Columbus Main Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This facility complies with NFPA - 58 guidelines and requirements for LP-Gas storage.  It is the policy of Tom's Foods Inc. to also comply with all federal, state and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is Tom's policy to immediately notify the Columbus Fire Department through the E911 system.  The fire department conducts training and walk thru orientations of our facility with the responding fire units fromstation #1 and #6. 
This facility is a snack food manufacturing plant.  Propane is used as a standby fuel in the event that the natural gas supply is curtailed.  The system consist of a 30,000 gallon above ground storage tank (AST), associated piping, pumps, water bath vaporizer and delivery piping which is connected to our main gas line. 
Tom's worst case scenairo is a failure of the 30,000 gallon tank when filled to the greatest allowed capacity (85%) resulting in a vapor cloud explosion.  According to EAP's RMP Comp, the distance to the endpoint of this event is .4 mi 
les (.6 kilometers).  There are an estimated 150 people who live within this distance.  There are no schools, hospitals or enviromental receptors within the calculated endpoint.  The alternative case scenario for this facility is a rupture of the unloading hose when filling the bulk tank.  This alternative results in a calculated endpoint of less than .1 miles (0.16 kilometers).  It is estimated that no people reside within this distance. 
This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes.  The facility is inspected by the local fire department. All equipment was installed as per NFPA guidelines. 
Tom's Foods has never had an accident involving propane that resulted in death, injury or damage to the property or environment.
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