Canfil Industries, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The primary purpose of this facility is to package aerosols for sale to customers.  Propane and Isobutane are used as propellant in the majority of those aerosols.  The material is recieved by transport and stored in two bulk tanks.The maximum amounts of propane and isobutane are 27,000 lbs and 29,000 lbs respectively. Worst Case Scenario:   Failure of either storage tank would release one of the two amounts.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor and finds an ignition source.  The distance to the endpoint of 1 psi overpressure for the worst case scenario is .40 miles.  This distance extends beyond the facility boundry, encompasses several businesses and a major interstate highway, but no residences.  Aternative Scenario was considered as a 100 ft. length of 1 1/2 inch piping breakage releasing its contents before the excess flow valve function to stop the flow.  The vapor expands and upon finding an ignition source, it explodes.  The shockwave from the explosion 
creates overpressure.   The distance to the endpoint of 1 PSI overpressure is 50 feet.   This distance does not extend  beyond the facility boundry and does not impact any public receptors.  No past accidental releases of propane/isobutane.  We have implemented an emergency response plan and have discussed this with the local LEPC.  We have no planned changes at this time.
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