Goodwill Industries of Sotheastern WI-Vogel Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin and Metropolitan Chicago, Inc. is committed to maximizing safety within the work place.  Safety consciosness and improvement  will remain one of our most important corporate goals.  The Goodwill Vogel Plant is five building plant of 185,669 sq ft.  We provide outsourcing alternatives to area business.  One of our primary activities of our business is in the reverse logistics field.  We process case and unit returns for SC Johnson a Family Company.  We repack  house hold, personal care and insect control units and cases that are return to the manufacturer from the retailer.  These units are counted, checked for damage, checked for obsolescence, and then repacked and returned to inventory.  Because many of the items we handle are aerosol we are submiting this RMP. The process chemical are Butane, Isobutane(Propane,2-Methyl), and Propane.When we have aerosol cans on site the amout will be dependent on the amount of unit returned for repack. Bu 
ilding #4 will never have more than 245,000 lbs. and Bldg. #5 never more than 1,300,000 lbs. at one time.  Any release scenario would not have an off-site impact.  Goodwill -Vogel plant has an ESFR sprinkler system whick is monitored 24 hours a day seven days a week by Honeywell Security systems.  This alarm system is wired to contact the Milwaukee Fire Department. We work very closely with SC Johnson's Enviromental and Safety department to stay abreast of any health or safety concerns.
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