Fain Gas Plant - Executive Summary |
Executive Summary for Fain Gas Plant RMP The following summary is intended to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Subpart G ' 68.155. Pioneer Natural Resources' Risk Management Program is based on the API Publication 761: "Model Risk Management Plan Guidance for Exploration and Production Facilities." The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at Fain Gas Plant are included in the facility's Emergency Response Manual and PSM program. The Emergency Response Manual covers action to be taken in case of an unplanned release. The mechanical integrity section of PSM discusses action to be taken in order to prevent an unplanned accidental release of regulated substances. The Fain Gas Plant consists of two natural gas processing plants operating in parallel. Processes involved include: gas conditioning through amine stripping, condensate stabilization, dehydration using TEG and molecular sieve technology, NGL extraction, Nitrogen rejection and Helium recovery. G as condensate is transported by truck. The natural gas liquids (NGL) are transported by pipeline from the facility. The Helium recovered is compressed and transported via pipeline to market. The remaining residue gas, mostly methane, is directed to pipeline for transport. Fain Gas Plant was determined to be a program level 1 facility through the worst-case scenario analysis. The worst-case scenario for this facility would be a vapor cloud explosion (VCE) due to the instantaneous release of 423,000 pounds of gas condensate from storage. The radius of exposure (ROE) for this volume, assuming a fully loaded storage tank, is 0.6 miles. There are no public or environmental receptors located in the radius of exposure. The level in the storage tank is monitored frequently by the plant operators who man the facility 24 hours a day. The tanks are also protected by pressure relief valves to prevent the possibility of over pressuring. The general accidental release prevention measures taken are outlined in the mechanical integrity section of the PSM program for the facility. Major components of this section that contribute to the prevention of accidental releases include: testing of critical control and shutdown instruments, testing of pressure relief valves and routine testing of piping and vessel corrosion. There has not been a recordable / off-site accident in the previous five year history of this facility. The emergency response program for this facility is contained in the Emergency Response Manual, ERM. A copy of the ERM has been provided to the Local Emergency Planning Committee of Potter/Randal County. The ERM includes steps to take in case of an uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance. The initial step would be to contact the Potter/Randal County Emergency Response system which in turn will contact other emergency response agencies to aid in controlling access to the facility by the public. The facility has ongoing programs that help train pe rsonnel in areas that have the greatest potential for uncontrolled release of hazardous substances. In addition to utilizing PSM for hazard assessment, safety training is done in which unsafe items are discussed and resolved. |