Super Steel Products Corp - Executive Summary |
Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies: Super Steel Products Corp. complies with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - 58 requirements for LP-Gas storage and it is its policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws. If an emergency were to occur it is the company's policy to notify the City of Milwaukee Fire Department and the Milwaukee County Division of Emergency Government and request they respond to the emergency. Description of Facility and Regulated Substance: Super Steel Products Corporation is a manufacturer of fabricated metal products and uses propane gas to fuel its forklift trucks used for material handling or product on site. The propane gas is stored at the northeast corner of the site at the rear of the manufacturing facility in a 30,000 gallon bulk storage tank. Worst Case Release Scenario: The worst case scenario would be failure of a valve on the bulk storage tank, a pipe break or a hose rupture caused by a pull away if a fill driver fails to remove the hoses between the storage tank and transfer vehicle, all of which could result in a vapor cloud explosion. For the volume of material which could be accidentally released the distance from the process site to the endpoint is 0.5 miles and there are no public receptors within that radius. Accidental Release Prevention Program and Chemical Specific Prevention Steps: This facility has an Emergency Contingency and Spill Control Plan in place with responsibilities assigned to designated Emergency Response Team members and a Plant Emergency Coordinator with alternates for each shift of operation. This facility also has an Environmental Engineer on staff who is assigned responsibility of Risk Management Coordinator. The facility complies with the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations. The propane storage tank is designed, installed and maintained in accorda nce with NFPA-58 codes and state laws. Five Year Accident History: The facility has never had an accident involving propane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations or shelterings in place. Emergency Response Plan: In the event of an emergency involving the propane storage system, it is the policy of the company to notify the City of Milwaukee Fire Department and the Milwaukee County Division of Emergency Government to reques that they respond to the incident. The company has discussed this policy with the fire department and local emergency planning commission and they have inspected the bulk propane storage facility to familiarize themselves with it. |