Clewiston Packinghouse - Executive Summary |
This facility complies with NFPA-58 requirements for LP-Gas storage, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify Hendry County Emergency Management and request that they respond to the emergency. This facility is a fresh citrus packinghouse. We de-green, wash, wax, sort, and pack fresh oranges and grapefruit into cartons to be shipped to wholesale customers. We use propane to warm the fruit, speeding up the natural de-greening process and to dry the fruit once it hah been washed and then again after it has been waxed. The facility has two propane storage tanks, one with 30,000 galion capacity and one with 1,000 gallon capacity. Equipment included is associated piping, valves, burners, heaters, and other miscelanious equipment. The 30,000 gallon storage tank is used for de-greening and drying of the frui, the 1,000 gallon tank is used as a supply tank for the propane powered industrial lift trucks. Our worst case scernario is failure of one 30,000 gallon propane tank when filled to the greatest amount allowed (88% at 60F), resulting in a vapor cloud explosion. The resulting distance to the endpoint extends off site, and there are no public receptors within that distance. Our alternate release scenario is a break in the 2 inch diameter pipe leading to a 10 minute release and explosion. The resulting distance extends offsite, and there are no public receptors involved. This facility complies with EPA's accidental prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations that have been communicated to us in accordance with the laws. The propane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58 and state law. We have never had an accident involving propane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or shelterings in place. In the event of an emergency involving our propane system, it is our policy to first call "911" and then notify Hendry County Emergenct Management and request that they responde to the emergency. We have discussed this policy with the fire departments; members of the fire department have inspected our propane system. Plans to improve safety at the facility include annual Employee Emergency Action Plan training exercises with Hendry County Emergency Management. |