Alma Farmers Union Cooperative - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at our facility:  This facility complies with NFPA-58 requirements for LP-Gas storage, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state; and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Tri-Community Fire Department and request that they respond to the emergency. 
A description of our facility and the regulated substances handled:  This facility is a farmers cooperative. We sell propane to our cooperative customers. We have one 30000 gallon  propane tank at our disturbution site. 
The worst case and alternative release scenarios:  Our worst case scenario is failure of one 30000 gallon storage tank when filled to the greatest amount allowed (88% at 60F), resulting in a vapor cloud explosion.  The resulting distance to the endpoint extends offsite, and public receptors are within the distance to the endpoint.  Our alternative release scenario is a pull-away explosion.  In this s 
cenario a 25 foot length of unloading hose, 4" in diameter is ruptured.  The release leads to a vapor cloud explosion (endpoint 1 psi).  The quantity released is 69 pounds.  The distance to the endpoint is 175 feet (reported as .03 miles). 
The general accidental release pervention program and chemical-specific prevention steps:  This facility compliies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The propane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58 and state law. 
Five-year accident history:  We have never had an accident involving propane that caused deaths, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or shelterings in place. 
The emergency response program:  In the event of an emergency involving our propane system, it is our policy to notify the Tri-Community Fire department and request that they respond to the emergency.  We have discussed this policy with the fire department; members of 
the fire department have inspected our propane system. 
Safety improvement is an on-going process at the facility. Periodic evaluations are performed to assess the maintenance of safe conditions. There are no additional specific recommendations for implementation at this time.
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