Appleton Water Filtration Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Appleton Water Filtration Plant uses chlorine in the disinfection of surface water (Lake Winnebago) to produce and maintain a potable water supply throughout the community distribution system.  This process is operated on a continual basis with constant diligence for safe chemical handling.  The chlorine system is comprised of an isolated room with four two-ton cylinders yoked together as two primary feed units with two back-up feed cylinders.  This room is enclosed with multiple safety controls and devices to minimize the potential for an accidental release.  Leaks from an individual cylinder rather than complete system failures and releases from all four cylinders are the most likely "worst-case" scenario.  The total release of all four two-ton cylinders at one time would only occur as a catastrophic event that potentially destroyed the chlorine room itself. 
All facility employees are routinely trained in our emergency response procedures.  Safety is a critical component 
of all operational and maintenance activities at this facility.  Chlorine cylinder handling and transfers are only done by trained personnel with adequate staff on-site to ensure proper procedures are followed and emergency notification can be made in the event problems are encountered.  The Appleton Water Filtration Plant has a very long history of using chlorine to complete its potable water treatment and has maintained a very safe working environment.  That emphasis on safety within the facility assures a high level of safeguards for the neighborhood and surrounding community.   
The Appleton Water Filtration Plant works very closely with the Appleton Fire Department to communicate the potential for on-site hazards and the types of responses required for emergency agencies.  The plant site is compact with chemical storage readily accessible to emergency responders.  The safety programs at this facility are based on continual mandatory employee training and are coordinated with the  
City of Appelton's administrative safety program which includes city emergency service groups.  We maintain a good working relationship with the Outagamie County LEPC also to assure up to date communication about relevant hazards on-site. 
We strive to maintain our excellent safety record and have recently developed a full time staff position to coordinate safety and training activities for our facility.  This emphasis will ensure that we do not become complacent about any of our procedures or processes.
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